Restoration Ministries International

The biblical truths are here to 

help you have a relationship with 

your heavenly Father which you can experience in your life. 

Nothing compares to personally living in Covenant with Him as His child.


Restoration Ministries International


• Restoring the Hebraic Foundations of the Early Church

• Preparing the Family of Jesus to be Light in Darkness

... ...

Restoration Ministries International

The biblical truths are here to 

help you have a relationship with 

your heavenly Father which you can experience in your life. 

Nothing compares to personally living in Covenant with Him as His child.

Fellowship Of Homes

The list below will connect you to letters, articles and books that deal with the Hebraic understanding of Biblical responsibilities among the extended spiritual family of your home fellowship. You'll be challenged and encouraged to evaluate your own faith community relationships as you discuss these materials with your extended family in Jesus! 

CLICK on the link below for the area of interest.


Section 6 - Lesson 45 

Fellowship In Homes — Extended Spiritual Family

• Fellowship in Homes As the Early Church

• Living Righteously Through Repentance and Confession

• Upholding Communal Righteousness

• Prayer As Spiritual Warfare

Section 6 - Lesson 46

Fellowship In Homes — Extended Spiritual Family

• Load-bearing Relationships

1. Introduction To Load-bearing

2. The Relational Influence Of The Righteous Breeds Courage

3. Cherish The Children Their Angels See The Face Of God

4. Love Is Demonstrated In Blessing Others

Section 6 - Lesson 47 

Fellowship In Homes — Extended Spiritual Family

• Shepherded by Elders

1. The Father’s Representatives; Anointed By The Spirit 

2. Honored in the Family and Faith Community

3. Shepherding: A Father’s Heart

4. Having The Father’s Larger View

5. Newer Testament Qualifications and Faith Community

Section 6 - Lesson 48 

Fellowship In Homes — Extended Spiritual Family: 

• Shepherded by Elders

6. Constant Vigilance: Keeping the Sheep In and the Wolves Out

7. Gatekeeping: Doing Spiritual Triage

8. Flying Your Flock To The Father

9. Seek Rhema, Establish Halakhahs, And Ensure They’re Followed

Section 6 - Lesson 49 

Fellowship In Homes — Extended Spiritual Family: 

• Collective Considerations

1. Hand-in-Hand Fellowship

2. The Role Of Older Women

3. NO Two Fellowships Are Alike 

4. Family Gatherings

5. Thoroughly Talk Things Over

6. Don’t Spill Your Guts

7. Laying On Of Hands

8. Silence the Sacerdotal

9. Terminate Communication Killers

10. Avoid Disagreements Between the Sexes

Section 6 - Lesson 50 

Fellowship In Homes — Extended Spiritual Family: 

• A Journey Requires A Destination and A First Step

Seize Your Neighborhood Than Your City for Jesus:

1. Establish a perimeter of holiness in each home of your faith community.

2. Secure your perimeter and protect it from infiltration.

3. Expand your perimeter.

4. Destroy Satan’s perimeter by multiplying your faith community.


• 2. Will He Find Faith?

• 5. When Fear Is Good

• 7. When Death Is Good

• 8. Resurrections Into KINGDOM Living

• 22. Obedient Trust versus Reasoning: 

The Hebraic Foundations Confront Evangelicalism

• 23. Are God’s Relational Priorities Your Way Of Life?

• 26. Will Jesus Find Faith Within You?

• 27. You Must Be Born Again: Life Begins in the SPIRIT (John 3:8)

• 28. Bearing Fruit For The Father: Life Flows From the SPIRIT (John 3:8)

• 29. You Haven’t Been Here Before

• 42. Ministering Spiritual Freedom To Others

• 44. The Grace of Our God's Law

• 45. Do Your Manners Represent Jesus?

• 46. Don't Plant Old Tares With New Wheat

• 53. Born Again — Guided By The Spirit Of Jesus

• 56. Persecution — The Privilege of Serving the King

• 57. To Be In the Kingdom Is to Expand It

• 60. Will You Be Among Those Our Lord Chastises? (Part 3)

• 72. Let Each of Us Take Up Our Cross and Gather the Remnant of This Generation

• 74. Having the Heart of Jesus—A Kingdom Mindset

• 75. To Serve the King You Must Leave Your Comfort Zone


• 5. Three Things (March 25, 2005)

• 10. Apprehension: The Silent Destroyer (June 25, 2005)

• 12. Confirming That You Truly Belong (August 2, 2005)

• 18. Our Gift To You (December 13, 2005)

• 19. Replacing Apprehension With Love (December 22, 2005)

• 24. Don’t You Talk? (June 26, 2006)

• 26. Raising Today's Children and Grandchildren (September 28, 2006)

• 27. Breaking the Chain Of Sin And Strongholds (November 13, 2006)

• 28. Practicing Biblical Gatekeeping (July 10, 2007)

• 29. Are Your Friendships Spiritually Authentic? (July 19, 2007)

• 31. Shepherding A Fellowship Family (October 24, 2007)

• 35. Are You An Hebraic Pollinator (January 11, 2008)

• 36. Are You Dancing Around Each Other? (February 12, 2008)• 

•52. Riding The Seesaw of Apprehension (September 21, 2011)

• 57. Our Father's Children Bear His Burden (December 14, 2011)

• 58. Dare You Ask Yourself? (December 26, 2011)

• 59. Jesus Is Calling You To Lead (January 10, 2012)

• 60. Have You Been To The High Places At Least Once? (February 2, 2012)

• 61. Are You Our Lord's Intervener In The Lives Of Others? (February 18, 2012)

• 62. Has Satan Noticed You? (February 28, 2012)

• 63. Are You Deceiving Yourself? (March 6, 2012)

• 64. Are You A Fully Responsible Man? (March 13, 2012)

• 67. Is Your Cognitive Dissonance Quenching The Holy Spirit? (February 12, 2013)

• 69. Not My Will But Yours Be Done (March 23, 2013)

• 70. A Year Older And Very Saddened (April 12, 2013)

• 71. When You Just Feel Like Crying (May 15, 2013)


• 200303-04 Men In the Gap

• 200301 He Has Showed You

• 2002/09/10 Outside the Steeple

• 2002/09/10 Purpose for Home Fellowships

• 2002-08 Covenant-based Communities

• 2002-05 Living Determined

• 2002-02 Criteria For Fellowship

• 2002-01 Go Pound Sand

• 2001-12 The Challenge Is To Love

• 2001-09/10 Making Level Paths

• 2001-06 The Queen of Heaven (Part 2)

• 2001-05 The Queen of Heaven (Part 1)

• 2001-02 Stop The Coyotes

• 2001-01 When The Ark Door Closed

• 2000-10 We Must Go Back

• 2000-09 Power To Forgive

• 2000-08 Hebraic: Restoring Dignity

• 2000-06 Hebraic Cross-Culturally

• 2000-02 Obedient Trust

• 99-12 Millennium Living

• 99-08/09 Impudence

• 99-05 The Right Question

• 99-03 Trust -Grounded Obedience

• 99-02 Counterfeit Church

• 98-09 Pastoring By Elders

• 98-08 Loving Your Wife

• 98-07 Repentance

• 98-04 Answered Prayer

• 98-03 Mentoring

• 97-10 Biblical Eldering

• 97-09 Church At War

• 97-07 Today's Gatekeeper

• 97-05 Taking A City

• 97-02 Racism

• 97-01 Orthodoxy vs Orthopraxy

• 96-05 My Brother's Keeper

• 96-03 Righteousness & Prayer


• Mutually Growing Christ-like Relationships: A How-to Guide For Removing Hindrances

• The Gospel of the Covenant Is The Pilgrimage To Salvation

• I Hate Nicolaitanism

• The Unsteepled Church—Self-Sustaining Faith Communities


• Christian Halakhahs

• Growing Relationships Through Confrontation

• God's Instruments For War

• Pastoring By Elders

• Prodigal Church

• Restoring The Early Church:

• Ch. 11, page 150 Neighborhood Home Fellowship: Promoting Righteousness

• Ch. 12 page 160: Neighborhood Home Fellowship: Load-bearing Relationships