Restoring the Hebraic Foundations of the Earliest Church
Revealing how to live spiritually powerful and relationally intimate
This a training & equipping website.
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Summary Of Materials On This Website
Since 1994 we have been producing videos, audios and written material to share the biblical Hebraic Foundations with our Lord’s called-out ones around the world. Below you’ll find links to all the resources we offer freely on this website. As you go through any of these materials, we strongly encourage you to use discussion for two indispensable reasons:
(1). Almost all the commands in the Newer Testament are stated in the plural for a family or faith family to talk about and mutually put into practice.
(2). Just hearing or reading something by yourself puts you at a great disadvantage! At best you’ll retain only 10-20% of what you hear. At best only 30% of what you see. At best only 50% of what you see and hear concurrently. But you’ll retain at least 70% of what you see, hear, and discuss. And you’ll recall at least 90% of what you see, hear, discuss and demonstrate. Our Lord Jesus used discussion and demonstration with His disciples as you see throughout the Gospels!
So why aren’t Christians discipled this way any more? Anti-Semitic theologians intentionally set aside our Lord’s method of discussion and demonstration which He used to train and equip His called-out ones. His divine way was replaced with lecture-style teaching at adapted from Greek oratory.
Below, click on 📌 for a pop up to summarize the selection. Click 📌 again to close the pop up.
Click on a title to open the series or download a document, as appropriate.
Initial Training Series For Implementing the Hebraic Foundations
(Clicking on a title opens a list of equipping/training segments in each of the series)
The two following video series lay the biblical foundation for understanding the unseen world around you and the demonic forces that oppose you. “Even the demons are subject to us in Your Name!” (Luke 10:17) Use our online form to discern if demons have any influence in your life and evict them: <Click here>
📌 Certain Of What We Do Not See (11 video segments)
📌 Demolishing Strongholds Video Series (25 video segments)
The two following sets of pdf lessons and videos parallel each other in presenting the same biblical Hebraic foundations:
📌 Discussing How To Restore The Early Church (50 pdf lessons series)
📌 Jesus In Your Home (139 video segments)
Videos & Pdf Files That Expand On The Training Series
(Clicking on a title opens a page of content)
📌 Abraham, The Father Of Discipleship (10 video segments)
📌 Mutually Serving Jesus Your Lord With Resolute Determination (75 video segments)
📌 The Way Of The Lord (44 video segments)
📌 Kingdom Living Today (47 audio segments)
📌 How Would Jesus Live If He Were You? (31 video segments)
📌 Stay Out Of The Manure Pile (44 video segments)
Our Books
(Clicking on a title downloads the book)
📌 Growing Relationships Through Confrontation
Our Hebraic-based Articles
(Clicking on a title downloads the specific material)
📌 Put On Love Which Binds Them Altogether
📌 The Gospel Of The Covenant Is The Pilgrimage To Salvation
📌 Our Heavenly Father’s Two Paramount Covenants
📌 Living Out God’s Word: A Hebraic—Hellenist Comparison
📌 Mutually Growing Christ-like Relationships
📌 Fellowship In Homes —The Hebraic Model
📌 Hebraic Home Fellowships Must Produce Godly Generations
📌 To Love And Be Loved — Relational Intimacy Outside Of Religious Organizations
📌 Are You Under-Assertive, Assertive Like Jesus, Or Over-Assertive?
📌 A Comparison Of The Hebraic Restoration And The Jewish Roots Movement
📌 From “Changing Woman” To Christlike Woman — The Sanctifying Work Of Jesus Christ
Other Insightful Resources
(Clicking on a title opens the home page for a series of supporting materials)
📌 Being The Reality Of Jesus In A Wicked World
📌 Repentance Leads To Christ-like Character
📌 The Gospel of the Covenant vs. Hellenized “gospels”
📌 Today, What Would Jesus Do If He Were You?
📌 Turning The Hearts Of The Fathers To The Children
📌 Operating A Small Business/Ministry To Extend God’s Kingdom
This video series is divided into three sections: The Father & Jesus; The Home; and Fellowship In Homes. (You don’t have to view them consecutively! Click on the ones that most interest you.) These key points explore your relational priorities and how to walk in obedient trust under the loving rule of our Lord Jesus—especially in your home! As you mutually discuss this material, you'll be able to discern how to make these insights a way of life as you serve your heavenly Father’s purposes as ambassadors for Christ.
This 50-part series of discussion lessons expands on our book, Restoring the Early Church, which is based on research we did in Israel and in subsequent investigation. These teachings are designed for your study and discussion and application so that your own faith journey may reflect the spiritual power and relational intimacy that were experienced by the earliest followers of Jesus.
The unseen world is a dynamic reality in your life as you follow Jesus as your Lord. In this video series you'll explore a biblical truth that’s often overlooked or misunderstood: the whole realm of the unseen world around you! Can you see the Holy Spirit or angels or demons or even your sin nature? In your ongoing journey in Jesus you need to understand that all spiritual victory and defeat in your life takes place in a dimension which you can’t see. God created both the visible and the invisible world, and He interacts with His creation. Think about the countless ways in which God, Who is Spirit, interacts with His creation, which is physical!
Demolishing Strongholds is a life-changing video series and accompanying book, Demolishing Strongholds. that will equip you to rid your mind, will and emotions of demonic spiritual influences. Strongholds hinder your relationship with God and with your family, friends and co-workers. But you can experience the freedom promised you through our Lord Jesus and encounter your Father’s love in a way you’ve never known before! You’ll be shown how to demolish demonic thoughts and predispositions that have been passed along within families from generation to generation. Use this video series on your own — or go through it with your family or members of your faith community. Your life will never be the same again!
If you want to better understand the goals and purposes Jesus had as He trained and equipped His disciples, you can glean much from the life of Abraham. As you love and serve Jesus as Lord of your life, you have a biblical, relational connection with the patriarch! And there are particular character traits patterned by Abraham, who is called our spiritual father, which Jesus perfectly demonstrated to His disciples.
For a pdf copy of Abraham, the Father of Discipleship, <click here>
This series of practical videos emphasizes how you and those close to you can mutually and cooperatively serve Jesus as Lord of your lives with the same resolute determination His first followers had. Here’s a key relational truth: people who belong to our Lord Jesus operate most effectively when they cooperate together as the Holy Spirit-empowered body of Christ, with Jesus as their only Head. Putting your lives in Christ into action together requires mutually supportive interactive discussion — and most of the Newer Testament commands are given in the plural for you to work out together!
The Way of the Lord is a series of brief essential topics for your life journey in Christ. Each emphasizes a distinct element of the biblical Hebraic foundations to put into practice in your life and in your family, and to discuss with your faith family. And each segment is specifically designed to help you apply the Hebraic priorities through practical means as a way of life.
Kingdom Living Today offers real-life anecdotal stories to help you weigh your own choices, goals and values as you love and serve our Lord Jesus in obedient trust. Jesus often used parables to illustrate truths from God’s Word. And in Kingdom Living Today you can envision certain life issues you’ll be confronted with if you hunger to live to please our heavenly Father. You can also read Kingdom Living Today (pdf).
If you follow Jesus as Lord of your life, you’re in a spiritual battle for souls, including unbelieving family members and others you care about. Only as we work together in the power and anointings of the Holy Spirit can we effectively fight the demonic hordes of darkness that agitate minds and influence people’s actions. As you make the truths in these videos your way of life, you'll be strengthened and encouraged to do your part in the war! Also, read: Today, What Would Jesus Do If He Were You? (pdf format).
This series represents Mike's heartfelt desire to help men regain their salt if they’ve found themselves heading toward or buried under the religious institutional manure pile. Be warned! This journey will require you to repent for allowing yourself and your family to be deceived. But by turning to the Spirit of our Lord Jesus and calling on Him to help you, by His love and grace He most certainly will hear you and transform you. Start your journey now!
This brief book and/or audio version equips you and your family to practice the biblical teaching style of the early Church. Don’t be confused about God's will for you any more! Learn to apply God's Word to your daily life decisions by using the determined example of Nehemiah as he rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem.
If you prefer listening to this book: Christian Halakhahs Audio.
This well-researched book gives you an overall understanding of the biblical Hebraic foundations, how they were disregarded, and how Father is restoring them among Christ’s own. This bedrock of obedient trust enabled the first followers of Jesus to be so relationally intimate and spiritually powerful in mutually fulfilling our Father’s purposes. You’ll also discover how you can put into practice these biblically fundamental principles in your own life and within your family and fellowship family so you’ll be more effective as Christ’s ambassadors.
Both the book and the audio version provide the biblical basis for restoring older men—the wise elders so often highlighted in Scripture—back to serving our Father's children as true pastors of our Lord Jesus’ flock. You'll discover how Hellenist philosophy and Roman organization did away with the older wise shepherds of God's faith communities. In their place was imposed a system of young, educated, professional clergy who desperately lack the wisdom of life experience and the compassion to come alongside the sheep in loving service.
If you prefer listening to this book: Pastoring By Elders Audio.
In this brief book and/or audio version you’ll discover how to rid yourself of apprehension in all your relationships! This Hebraic style of love-motivated confrontation avoids conflict and equips you to effectively deal with the differences you have with others—yet still allow those relationships to grow.
If you prefer listening to this book: Growing Relationships Through Confrontation Audio.
This handy-size workbook helps you identify your spiritual gifts and use them cooperatively with others in your family and faith community to extend God's Kingdom. You’ll see that using your spiritual gifts greatly increases your effectiveness in the spiritual warfare raging around you! For an online fillable form of the spiritual gifts survey in the book <click here>.
This useful workbook helps you identify and demolish the demonic influences that may be keeping you from all the freedom that Jesus promises you. You'll also discover your 7 God-given needs, and ways to fill in the ruts of old, sin-induced ways and attitudes. The workbook is designed to help individuals as well as families and small groups be free from demonic deception so that the only inner “voice” they hear is the Holy Spirit.
See also the Demolishing Strongholds Video Series as a helpful companion to the Demolishing Strongholds workbook!
This article focuses on the vital importance of love-grounded mutual participation and Bible-based bonding in the four most common collective endeavors in Christianity: •marriage •faith community •ministry •business. These four cooperative ventures have similar elements requiring intentional Bible-based interconnection which can contribute to our heavenly Father blessing them. By contrast, if these elements are absent, then divorce, discontinuance or failure results.
This booklet and/or audio version clarifies the true Gospel which the earliest followers of Jesus embraced—the authentic Good News He refers to in John 7:38,39. Counterfeit gospels abound today! Make sure you and your loved ones are headed for His Kingdom with the Gospel that brings Covenant union with our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit's indwelling presence.
If you prefer listening to this book: The Gospel Of The Covenant Audio.
In this article you’ll discover the interconnected quality of the Gospel of the New Covenant with our Father in His Son Jesus, and the marriage covenant. The indwelling Holy Spirit, Whom our Father gives you when you’re born again, makes it possible for your marriage covenant to physically reflect the spiritual nature of the New Covenant. Find out how!
This article is a follow-up to our workbook, Growing Relationships Through Confrontation. Both the article and the training workbook are best used together with your family and/or with those close to you in Christ who are committed to becoming more like Him in character and purpose.
In this article you’ll explore the focus of the early Church: righteous, load-bearing fellowship that equipped followers of Jesus for godly living and sharing the Gospel wherever and whenever they could. That’s the pattern for which Paul commended the Thessalonians: for both their ever-increasing trust and the love they had for one another (2Thessalonians 1:3), and for the holiness and faithfulness they walked in through His Spirit (2:13).
This article discusses practical life issues that face you today as you follow Jesus as your Lord while living in an ever-hostile world. Among topics discussed are: •parental responsibilities and rights being taken over by the government •the urgent necessity for home fellowships as intergenerational, extended spiritual family to undergird and participate in training succeeding generations within their faith community.
This article investigates an important relational point: NOWHERE does the Bible indicate that our God established a religion. On the contrary, His ongoing desire is to relate to His creation as beloved chosen ones whom He has called out of the sinful world system. In the beginning God formed Adam in His own image to be able to relate to Him in a way that was uniquely different from the rest of His creatures. Eve was then created from Adam and for Adam to share that same relational privilege. How does this relational intimacy affect your own relationship with our Father through His Son and the indwelling Holy Spirit? Explore this vital topic!
A definition of biblical assertiveness might be “a follower of Jesus who possesses the best combination of truth and humility.” A key life goal for you as you follow Jesus as your Lord is to become more like Him. The Head of His called-out ones was assertive in representing His Father and the truths that people must live by. As Jesus’s follower, you are called to represent Him in this world too!
This article exposes an unscriptural, organizational religious system which our Lord hates and promises to war against. This man-centered, intermediary-operated system robs followers of Jesus of their privileged biblical role as collective kings and priests serving the God they love and trust. On these pages you’ll find a foundational understanding so that you may flee that which God is warring against, and join our Father in restoring the Hebraic foundations of the earliest Church.
This article encourages intentional and purposeful discussion within your home and among those you fellowship with. Based upon our research of the early Church, we propose three non-optional foundational processes that enabled the first followers of Jesus to do their part in expanding our Lord's Kingdom: apperception; reliance on the giftings of the Holy Spirit; maintaining the relational priorities of the earliest Church. What changes are you willing to make in your own service in our Lord?
We invite you to read and discuss this in-depth comparison since there’s so much confusion regarding the two movements. They may seem the same because so many erroneously use the terms Hebraic and Jewish as synonymous. But for followers of Jesus, the spiritual understanding of these terms is quite different. The roots of the Hebraic Restoration are found in Abraham, the first Hebrew, and the promise which God gave him that all the Gentile nations would be blessed through his obedient trust in the One True God. Much of the Jewish Roots Movement, though, is a modern expression of the Judaizing element against which Paul fought so vehemently to protect the early Church.
This article focuses on the demonic influence that dominates the cultural and spiritual life of a number of Native American tribes. We've written this to highlight the blatant control this principality has in placing women in authority over men. And even when people who aren’t indigenous have learned about Changing Woman, they've often replied, "You're talking about my nationality (or family or denomination)!" In recognizing that this principality has made inroads on many fronts, you may gain insight from this article in determining if there are any subtle influences in your own family or faith community.
This series of Realities articles is offered to help those of you who have only recently become aware of the Hebraic foundations. This material will also encourage those of you who may have previously used what we produced but you weren't prepared to put them into practice then. There’s no doubt about the growing darkness in today’s world system. But through these articles you can become equipped to represent the Light of Jesus in ways that are REAL rather than “religious”!
We’ve designed this free study guide to accompany Hannah Hurnard’s beloved classic so you may apply to your own life the lessons which her main character, Much Afraid, learned on her own faith journey. If you are following Jesus as Lord or are just beginning to hear His Spirit’s call, your heart will be lifted and encouraged and, yes, challenged as you go through this guide. At some point in your life you’ve probably found yourself in your own Valley of Humiliation (or Despair or Self-Pity or Worry — you name it!). But your heart yearns to walk more closely with the Shepherd of your soul, to leap on the High Places of Christ-likeness in which your character becomes conformed to that of Jesus. Start your journey here!
Lifebytes are a series of short, pertinent teachings emphasizing specific life issues for you as a follower of Jesus to help you live to glorify our Father. Many of these articles have been prompted by real-life concerns confronting people who have contacted us — matters that you may be facing too! Each Lifebyte will help you incorporate the Hebraic priorities and facets into your own faith pilgrimage as you walk in the indwelling Holy Spirit.
When you hear the word “gospel”, what does it mean to you? In other words, if you consider yourself a Christian, can you clearly articulate the gospel you embraced? Do you know the Gospel which the first followers of Jesus embraced? Is it the Gospel you embraced? Do you know that the foundations to the true Gospel are found in the Older Testament as Jesus refers to in John 7:38? Find out why you need to know this!
From time to time the Holy Spirit has given us prophetic insights to share with fellow followers of Jesus. Prophetic warnings are found in both the Older and Newer Testaments, and are used by our Lord to exhort and to challenge His people to righteous living in the present so He can uphold them in the future. As with all prophecies, we encourage you to test them with others who are alongside you in Christ.
From your Father’s perspective your life is a journey of transformation into ever-increasing Christ-likeness until the moment the KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS proclaims your name to the hosts of heaven—the culmination of your salvation. Repentance is one of our Father's means of transforming you by the Holy Spirit. Your repentance is accepted by our Father as genuine when you hate your sin and its control over your life and are willing to turn from it. You agree with Him how much you need to be forgiven through the sacrifice of Jesus on your behalf for violating Him. In these lessons we discuss repentance, specific sins, and sinful ways which the Bible makes clear. We then explore how you can discern if you may be sinning against our Father even as a follower of Jesus.
There's a special emphasis in this series of Insights which are based on God’s Word: to reveal what your life is like when Jesus lives it through you. But if you're going to live as Jesus would, it's important that you individually and those journeying with you collectively ask Him to enable you to love as He loves. Through that sacrificial love you need to rely on the power of the Holy Spirit indwelling you, especially in the spiritual gifts which He's apportioned to each person who follows Jesus as Lord of their life. The Spirit works through these giftings, and they are as necessary today as they were when He first distributed them. Do you know and use your gifting?
From a biblical perspective a father (and a grandfather) is a player/coach. Along with fathers, grandfathers role model and mentor a way of life for their family that is pleasing to God (see Psalms 103:17). Each “Practice” in this series uses personal testimonies and insights to equip today’s fathers and grandfathers. Discuss and reflect on three particular categories of various commands—the responsibilities—which God has set for grandfathers and fathers regarding their families. And help each other follow through for the sake of your family!
Periodically we send out short teachings that are often the result of prompting by the Holy Spirit or by questions people pose to us. The topics cover an array of practical matters in your ongoing journey of loving and serving your Lord Jesus. Each of these emails has turned out to be not only a thought-provoking discussion tool but also a challenge point for self-examination of your obedient trust and your love in action!
Our Father’s prophetic voices are bringing about an important area of restoration today: direction in how our Father does business as ministry through the Hebraic foundations. Through prophetic wisdom, business-ministry owners—maybe you?— will emerge from the backwater of Christendom into our Father’s purpose for them — to be the point people on the frontlines of extending God’s Kingdom.
Kingdom Living Today is a semi-fictional narrative of several families who are putting into practice the Hebraic foundations outside the religious establishment. Jesus often used parables to illustrate truths from the Word of God. So the characters and story lines of Kingdom Living Today help you mutually consider a variety of issues you’ll face if you purpose to live committed to the Lordship of Jesus. In these chapters you’ll discover followers of Jesus just like you who are living in loving and obedient trust. It’s a way of life that enabled the first followers of our Lord Jesus to be so spiritually powerful and relationally intimate — a way of life that our Father is restoring today through the Hebraic foundations.
Listen also to Kingdom Living Today (audio narratives)
Spot Ons are a series of short accurate translations of various Bible verses and passages which impact contemporary life choices and practices. BUT these translations are without the influence of translators who promoted the unbiblical domination of Nicolaitan clergy. Many of these translators were anti-Semitic and downplayed the essential interconnection of both testaments. Find out if YOUR Bible translation is truly God’s Word, or has it been altered to appease certain ecclesiastical agendas!
The Holy Spirit prompted us to address particular life issues to expose tolerated sins and encourage specific ways to live for Jesus in love-grounded obedient trust. This collection of very diverse topics will challenge you in self-examination to make the changes which will please our Father and build your maturity in living effectively and fruitfully for our Lord Jesus.
(Replaced by Teaching Emails in 2004).