Restoration Ministries International

Restoring the Hebraic Foundations of the Earliest Church  

Revealing how to live spiritually powerful and relationally intimate

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Pastoring By Elders Audio

Both the book and the audio version provide the biblical basis for restoring older men as the wise elders so often highlighted in Scripture. Their role is to serve our Father's children as true pastors of our Lord Jesus’ flock. You'll discover how Hellenist philosophy and Roman organization did away with the older wise shepherds of God's faith communities. In their place? A system of young, educated clergy who desperately lack the wisdom of life experience and the compassion to come alongside the sheep in loving service. Pastoring By Elders is filled with insights and recommendations for older men of wisdom to prepare themselves to fully disciple those our Father sends their way.

If you prefer reading this book, see: Pastoring By Elders