Restoring the Hebraic Foundations of the Earliest Church
Revealing how to live spiritually powerful and relationally intimate
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Living Out God’s Word:
A Hebraic—Hellenistic Comparison
For a pdf copy of this comparison
<click here>.
Hebraic Active—Appeals to the heart
__Life viewed as a pilgrimage leading to ultimate culmination
__Suffering seen as necessary for
development of Christ-like character
__Stresses direct participation
and discipleship indispensable
__Leadership by personal example
__Character of leader essential
__Personal relationships imperative
__Bible—reality that must be confronted
__Goal—to develop Christlikeness
__Emphasizes doctrine as demonstrated in a way of life
__Cooperative, participatory planning
__Frequent scheduled and unscheduled gatherings
__Love, acceptance, forgiveness
Hellenist Cognitive—appeals to the intellect
__Pursuit of self-interest and knowledge
__Life viewed in circular terms, to some day
achieve a higher spiritual state
__Suffering to be avoided; people and activities weighed for
self-gratification: ”How does this person/event benefit me?”
__Emphasizes education and knowledge
__Relies on speaking skills, oratory,
programmed materials, information conveyance
__Leader’s personal life immaterial
__Leader’s true character often unknown
__Personal relationships optional
__Belief without personal cost
__Bible—data that must be taught
__Focus on rules—do’s and don’ts
__Emphasizes knowledge-based creeds
__Leader-directed and controlled
__Organizational roles important
__Reliance on scheduled gatherings