Restoration Ministries International

Sharing the Hebraic Foundations of the Earliest Followers of Jesus

Preparing Today's Followers of Jesus to Do Their Part in His Kingdom

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Jesus In Your Home Bytesize

“For where two or three gather in My name, there am I with them”  (Matthew 18:20).

The video series is divided into three video topics: The Father & Jesus; The Home; and Fellowship In Homes. These key points explore your relational priorities and how to walk lovingly in obedient trust under the rule of our Lord Jesus — especially in your home! As you mutually  discuss this material, you'll be able to discern how to make it a way of life as you serve your heavenly Father’s purposes as His ambassadors. 

The Home

The Home: Basic Building Block 

For Spiritual Development

(Some videos have questions 

for further discussion)

15.Introduction To The Home

16.What Is Family Today?

17.Combating Your Sin Nature

18.Sin Nature, World, Devil

19.Your Responsibilities

20.Extended Spiritual Family

21.God's Purpose For Marriage

22.Helping Become Sanctified

23.Long-suffering Love Binds

24.Marriage Had A Bad Start

25.Honey, We Aren't The Same

26.More Like Jesus Or Judas?

27.Hebraic Or Nicolaitan?

28.Do You Forgive Others?

29.Root Of Presumption

30.Confronting Presumption

31.Applying God's Word


33.Needing Fathers (birth to 4)

34.Needing Fathers (4 onward)

35.No Momma's boys

36.Mike's Hebraic Pilgrimage

37.Men, Don't Pass The Buck!

38.Rites Of Passage

39.Stage Of Male Development

40.Wise & Remaining Teachable

41.Sue's Hebraic Pilgrimage

42.Inherit From Mothers

43.Our Father Taught Us (Part 1)

44.Our Father Taught Us (Part 2)

45.Our Father Taught Us (Part 3)

46.Home-Sanctuary Of Holiness

47.Men In The Gap (Part 1)

48.Men In The Gap (Part 2)

49.Men In The Gap (Part 3)

50.What Is Authority?

51.Authority (Part 1)

52.Authority  (Part 2)

53.Maintaining Peace

54.Delegate Responsibility

55.No Excuses, Blame No One

56.Jurisdictional Limits


58.Making Wise Decisions

59.Deference Produces Trust

60.Producing Biblical Character

61.A Matter Of Choice

62.Confront Apprehension

63.Cherish Correction

64.Orthopraxy vs Orthodoxy

65.Let Love Evidence Your Faith

66.Spiritual Gifts & Using Them

67.Counsel For The Ezer

68.Being A Help Or Hindrance

69.Wives, Don’t Step In Unwisely

70.Don't Give Way To Fear

71.Call Him "Lord"?

72.Are You An Ezer?

73.Parents & Godly Generations

74.Without Successors Is Failure

75.Generational Responsibility

76.Children-Sin Nature (Part 1)

77.Children-Sin Nature (Part 2)

78.Descend The Funnel (Part 1)

79.Descend The Funnel (Part 2)

80.Descend The Funnel (Part 3)

81.Your Child’s Ambition (Part 1)

82.Your Child's Ambition (Part 2)

83.Your Child's Ambition (Part 3)

84.Your Child's Ambition (Part 4)

85.Your Child's Ambition (Part 5)

86.Your Child's Ambition (Part 6)

87.Your Child's Ambition (Part 7)

88.Understand The Times

89.Your Home



 Fellowship In Homes

Upholds Communal Righteousness

Provide 24/7 Load-bearing Relationships

The Primary Support For the Home