Restoration Ministries International

The biblical truths are here to 

help you have a relationship with 

your heavenly Father which you can experience in your life. 

Nothing compares to personally living in Covenant with Him as His child.


Restoration Ministries International


• Restoring the Hebraic Foundations of the Early Church

• Preparing the Family of Jesus to be Light in Darkness

... ...

Restoration Ministries International

The biblical truths are here to 

help you have a relationship with 

your heavenly Father which you can experience in your life. 

Nothing compares to personally living in Covenant with Him as His child.

Teaching Emails

Periodically we send out short teachings that are often the result of prompting by the Holy Spirit or by questions people pose to us. The topics cover an array of practical matters in your ongoing journey of loving and serving your Lord Jesus. Each of these emails has turned out to be not only a thought-provoking discussion tool but also a challenge point for self-examination of your obedient trust!

Teaching Emails

(Click on title)

1. As Long As It Is Called TODAY (March 4, 2005)

2. When You Can Do No More (February 4, 2005)

3. He Made Them Male & Female (February 18, 2005)

4. Daniel, Shedrach, Meshach and Abednego (March 23, 2005)

5. Three Things (March 25, 2005)

6. A Woman Imprisoned (March 30, 2005)

7. God's Will For You (May 10, 2005)

8. Addendum: God's Will For You ( May 16, 2005)

9. Are You A Barbarian? (June 4, 2005)

10. Apprehension: The Silent Destroyer (June 25, 2005)

11. Discussion For Application (July 23, 2005)

12. Confirming That You Belong ( August 2, 2005)

13. If Peter Wrote Today (August 8, 2005)

14. Content & Context (September 17, 2005)

15. Thank You From God's "Kids"! (September 29, 2005)

16. Certain Of What We Do Not See (October 15, 2005)    

17. The Pianist & Marriages (November 25, 2005)

18. Our Gift To You (December 13, 2005)

19. Replacing Apprehension With Love (December 22, 2005)

20. Are You Living Without His Grace? (June 16, 2006)    

21. The Faithfulness Of God And His Word (August 6, 2006)    

22. How Eager Are You? (August 16, 2006)

23. Are You A Maneuverer? (August 23, 2006)

24. Don't You Talk? (August 26, 2006)

25. Out Of The Rubble (August 28, 2006)    

26. Raising Today's Children And Grandchildren (September 28, 2006)

27. Breaking the Chain Of Sin And Strongholds (November 13, 2006)

28. Practicing Biblical Gatekeeping (July 10, 2007)

29. Are Your Friendships Spiritually Authentic? (July 19, 2007)    

30. Obedience May Mean: “Pack Up And Go!” (July 30, 2007)

31. Shepherding A Fellowship Family (October 24, 2007)

32. Are You Trusted By Your Family? (October 31, 2007)

33. Growing In Christ's Likeness (November 21, 2007)

34. When Jesus Says ‘GO’, What Do YOU Do? (December 22, 2007)

35. Are You A Hebraic Pollinator? (January 11, 2008)

36. Are You Dancing Around Each Other? (February 12, 2008)

37. Are You Violating Our Holy God's Law? (May 15, 2008)

38. Do You Understand The Severity Of Your Sin? (May 24, 2008)

39. Do You Obey The Commandments Of God? (May 29, 2008)

40. Obeying God's Moral Law/Part 1 (June 6, 2008)

41. Obeying God's Moral Law/Part 2 (June 11, 2008)

42. Develop Loyalty—Giving Up Your Life For Someone (July 22, 2008)

43. Are You A Revolutionary Parent? (August 15, 2008)

44. Are You Prepared To Equip The Saints For Service? (April 3, 2009)

45. Do You Understand The Kingdom? (December 2, 2009)

46. Developing Spiritual Maturity In An Atomistic Age (December 8, 2009)

47. Do You Need To Be Revived In 2010? (December 31, 2009)

48. Do You Need To Be Revived In 2010? (January 12, 2010)

49. Jesus Christ, Our Passover Lamb (January 16,2010)

50. The Pearl of Great Price (February 2, 2011)

51. Expose The Root Cause! (September 17, 2011)

52. Riding The Seesaw Of Apprehension (September 21, 2011)

53. When A Man's Ways Are Pleasing To The Lord (October 1, 2011)

54. Isn't It Time That Jesus Be Your Lord? (November 8, 2011)

55. It's Time For A Righteous Stand (Part 1) (November 25, 2011)

56. It's Time For The Righteous To Take A Stand (Part 2) (December 3, 2011)

57. Our Father's Children Bear His Burden (December 14, 2011)

58. Do You Dare Ask Yourself? (December 26, 2011)

59. Jesus Is Calling You To Lead (January 10, 2012)

60. Have You Gone To The High Places At Least Once? (February 2, 2012)

61. Are You Our Lord's Intervener? (February 18, 2012)

62. Has Satan Noticed You? (February 28, 2012)

63. Are You Deceiving Yourself? (March 6, 2012)

64. Are You A FULLY Responsible Man? (March 13, 2012)

65. Do You Understand Biblical Consequences? (July 2, 2012)

66. Only Your Faith Can Overcome Chaos (February 4, 2013)

67. Cognitive Dissonance Quenching the Holy Spirit? (February 12, 2013)

68. Do You Know The Devil, And Does He Know You? (March 6, 2013)

69. Not My Will But Yours Be Done (March 23, 2013)

70. A Year Older and Very Saddened (April 12, 2013)

71. When You Just Feel Like Crying... (May 15, 2013)

72. Does The Deference Of Jesus Abide In You? (July 30, 2013)

73. Do You Need A Booster? (August 14, 2013)

74. Free To Be A "Spiritual Patriot" For Jesus (March 6, 2015)

75. Can You Say The Name "Jesus?" (March 11, 2015)

76. Can you explain the "Greatest Friday" To Unbelievers? (March 16, 2015)

77. When Are You A “Christian Degenerate?” (November 2, 2015)

78. If Everyone Obeyed His Voice (9-29-2020)

79.Settle Your Disputes Before There’s Resentment (10-5-2020)

80. Our Lord’s Followers: Assertive & Very Courageous! (10-10-2020)

81.The Pyramid You Must Enter Isn’t In Egypt (10-15-2020)

82. Don’t Go Round And Round In The Pyramid (10-16-2020)

83. Hannah Told Us What To Expect On Our Pilgrimage (10-18-2020)

84.Humility Is The Doorway Out Of The Pyramid (10-24-2020)

85.Humility Is A Powerful Motivator (10-27-2020)

86.Facing Your False Expectation And Presumption (11-24-2020)

87.His Indwelling Spirit Is Our Lord’s Guiding Voice (11-30-2020)

88.Know Father’s Will & Shun The Witchcraft Of Eschatology (12–5-2020)

89.The Way Of The Lord Is Caught, Not Taught (12–10-2020)

90.Followers Of Jesus Do Not Tolerate Vain Assertions (12/17/2020)

91.In 2021 Don’t Be “This Far And No More” (12/30/2020)

92. Without Repentance There Is No Love, Forgiveness Or Compassion (1/6/2021)

93. Our True Citizenship: “I pledge allegiance…” (1/7/2021)

94. It May Not Be Over Until The Center Changes (1/22/2021)

95. It’s Too Bad That Bad News Sells (1/26/2021)

96. Avoid Spiritual Adultery As A Strange Bedfellow (2/1/2021)

97. Be A Noble Man In Whom Our Lord Jesus Delights (2/12/2021)

98. Are You Ashamed Of Jesus? (2/24/2021)

99. What Heaven Celebrates, We Should Too (3/23/2021)

100. “You Are The Last Jackass…” (4/9/2021)

101. Our Heavenly Father’s Children Confront Sin

102. “Do You Love Me More Than These?”

103. One More Time, “Do You Love Me More Than These?”

104. “Speak, LORD, For Your Servant Is Listening”

105. “This Far And No More” vs “This Far And No Less!”

106. Have You Seen What We’ve Seen? (Observation 1)

107. Have You Seen What We’ve Seen? (Observation 2)

108. Have You Seen What We’ve Seen? (Observation 3)

109. Have You Seen What We’ve Seen? (Observation 4)

110. Have You Seen What We’ve Seen? (Observation 5)

111. Have You Seen What We’ve Seen? (Observation 6)

112. Have You Seen What We’ve Seen? (Observation 7)

113. Have You Seen What We’ve Seen? (Observation 8)

114. Have You Seen What We’ve Seen? (Observation 9)

115. Have You Seen What We’ve Seen? (Observation 10)

116. Have You Seen What We’ve Seen? (Observation 11)

117. Have You Seen What We’ve Seen? (Observation 12)

118. Have You Seen What We’ve Seen? (Observation 13)

119. Is Jesus Any Part Of Your Holiday?

120. What Are You Doing To Your Children?

121. The Kingdom-Focused Don’t Accept Satan’s Illusions

122. Only His Lordship Will Impart Confidence In Jesus 

123. “Put On Love, Which Binds Them All Together in Perfect Unity”

124. Faithful Family In Jesus Abide Together To Do Father’s Will

125. If Only There Were Men Of God Who Heeded His Voice

126. The Contrast Between The Obsolete And The Restored

127. “In This World We Are Like Jesus" (1John 4:17)

128. Soli Deo Gloria – Glory to God alone

129. Always Follow Our Lord Jesus 

130. Don't Remain Stiff-Necked Toward Our Lord Jesus! 

131. Voices In The Wilderness Turn The Repentant To The Lordship Of Jesus 

132. The Spirit Helps Your Life To Revolve Around The Lordship Of Jesus 

133. The Crucial Time For The Lordship-Committed Is Near! 

134. Prepare Yourself Even If The Religiously-Mired Refuse To Listen! 

135. Stop Living As The Gentiles Do, In The Futility Of Their Thinking 

136. The Fellowship Of The Lordship-Committed Is Authentic 

137. Living Without A Grudge By Refusing To Remember Past Wrongs

138. As A Living Sacrifice You Carry Your Own Execution-Stake 

139. Avoid The Paralyzing Analysis Of The Scribes (Part 1) 

140. Avoid The Paralyzing Analysis Of The Scribes (Part 2) 

141. Avoid The Paralyzing Analysis Of The Scribes (Part 3) 

142. Avoid The Paralyzing Analysis Of The Scribes (Part 4) 

143. Avoid The Paralyzing Analysis Of The Scribes (Part 5) 

144. Avoid The Paralyzing Analysis Of The Scribes (Part 6) 

145. Avoid The Paralyzing Analysis Of The Scribes (Part 7) 

146. Avoid The Paralyzing Analysis Of The Scribes (Part8) 

147. What Is Obsolete and Outdated Is Disappearing 

148. “Great are Your purposes and mighty are Your deed”

149. "Follow our way of life as we follow the way of our Lord."

150. Do YOU Have the Spiritual Gonads to Ask Jesus for His Truth?

151.  How Will You Respond To Bullets Instead Of Ballots In 2024?

152. The Lawless Christian Slogan: “We don't hold each other accountable!”

153. The Voice Of The Spirit Is In The Helmet of Salvation

154. The Voice In Your Head May Not Be Yours

155. It Might All Just Be Up To Older Women!

156. Your sons, O Zion, will be like a warrior’s sword!

157. “Life under our Lord Jesus outside of religiosity”

158. Jesus Isn’t Residing Between the Bible’s Covers

159. The boldness of the righteous inspires making our Lord Jesus known!

160. Are Prophetic Voices Willing To Speak Up In 2024?