
Restoration Ministries International


• Restoring the Hebraic Foundations of the Early Church

• Preparing the Family of Jesus to be Light in Darkness

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Restoration Ministries International

The biblical truths are here to 

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your heavenly Father which you can experience in your life. 

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• To mutually establish a biblically-based way of life free from slanted Bible interpretations and heresy, read:   

General Rules of Biblical Interpretation.”

• To remain free of the bitter hatred of contemporary politics and have the heart of our Lord Jesus, read:   

True Patriots Are Bible-based Constitutionalists.

July 15, 2024

It's hard to love or experience love when you're in the Queen’s clutches

Dear Friends in Christ Jesus our Lord,

Please download Mike’s Lament, Prophetic Insight 7/15/2024: The Queen Thwarts You Abiding In Jesus’s Rule, Mike exposes three of the many examples he discovered from Christian history in which "the Queen" (a demonic entity wielded by Satan to control and manipulate on both a large and small scale) used the arrogance of anti-Semitic theologians in the following ways: •to eradicate the personal, individual rule of our Lord Jesus in the lives of each of His followers, •to do away with our Lord's means of equipping and empowering His followers to serve Him, and •to abolish the communal responsibility of faith families to put God's gracious commands and ways into practice by living righteously out of grateful love for Him and for each other. 

All that this Queen entity needs is a sinful foothold in your life so that you'll keep believing the manmade traditions and distortions which these men infused into Christianity in centuries past while remaining ignorant of God's biblical pattern. And what's the most prevalent entry point in your life for this demonic influence which keeps you from being fully available and able to serve our Lord? It's unresolved bitterness and/or unforgiveness toward anyone, or may also be an inner obsession to exalt yourself before others so that they may think better of you. Even if you're not aware of the Queen (or any other demon for that matter) prodding you to hold onto either or both of these motives, this demonic entity is able to exercise varying degrees of influence and control over your attitudes, goals and values. Keep in mind that giving way to any demonic influence from within you is spiritual adultery in our Father's eyes — you're believing a "inner voice" that's not His Spirit. This means you're aligning your thoughts, emotions and actions to those that are contrary to His! 

While Mike was writing the attached Lament, the Holy Spirit spoke to him to revisit with you something we sent out 11 years ago entitled, "Forgive Others So You Don’t Find Yourself A Prisoner". (See below.) We've warned many times against the spiritual danger of holding onto bitterness. Yet in recent decades, bitterness and refusal to forgive have proliferated even more among Christians. The Spirit also revealed to Mike that any effort he makes to expose the demonic Queen's domination of so many Christians would be meaningless to people who have chosen to hold onto bitterness, especially seething, begrudging bitterness they feel they have a right to. If this describes you, then how do you free yourself from this self-imposed prison? By appropriating our Lord's grace and forgiving from your heart anyone who hurt you! If you refuse to do this, then you'll be blind to your own captivity and be vulnerable to the demonic Queen's use of you to hurt other people. 

We've previously written that from a Hebraic understanding, bitterness is like the sin of pride — and a proud person is resisted by our Father (1Peter 5:5). This is because a person’s bitterness is a strong indicator that they have absolutely no appreciation of their own huge sin debt for which our Father is offering to forgive them through our Lord Jesus. Their arrogance to cling to their own "right" to be bitter nullifies Jesus’ sacrifice for them on the cross, so the Father will not forgive them (Matthew 6:14,15). And because of their unforgiveness they live in a self-imposed prison of emotional torture until they do forgive from their heart (Matthew 18:34,35).

We strongly encourage you to read this portion from The Gospel of the Covenant Is the Pilgrimage to Salvation, Lesson 15. To Be Born Again You Must Forgive Others. It's of great consequence that you be free of unforgiveness so that you can be forgiven and remain free from the demonic Queen entity that will use you for deceiving, hurtful purposes. You may also find helpful our August 4, 2017 Prophetic Insight, Besmirchers Murder With Their Mouths. Scripture mentions the mouth a lot when it comes to sinful purposes and intents! You know what it feels like to be spoken against behind your back (lashon hara is the Hebrew for besmirching, bad mouthing). And people who are prophetic or who have confronted sin in others have especially felt the stab of being besmirched when the person they confronted refuses to repent. A quick review: To besmirch someone is to maliciously speak lies and half-truths about them in order to discredit them in the minds of others. Besmirching someone can also be used to intimidate the slandered person into silence or inaction (see Mark 3:22 for an example). No doubt you've recognized that politics today and society at large in this nation are a playground for the besmirching tactics of the devil's demonic servant the Queen. Make sure that you aren't among those whose mouths freely pass along lies or deceptive "alternate truths" about anyone! 

Forgive Others So You Don’t Find Yourself A Prisoner

"Indeed, what I have forgiven, if I have forgiven anything, has been for your sake in the presence of Christ, 

so that we will not be taken advantage of by the Adversary — 

for we are quite aware of his schemes!” (2Corinthians 2:10b,11).

Rampant unforgiveness among Christians has caused countless numbers to construct a self-made prison around themselves. And many of those who hold unforgiveness against someone can’t experience the love of the people who are close to them. This sad and lonely plight afflicts them (maybe you?) because begrudging, seething bitterness in particular repels love. And an accompanying byproduct of when you refuse the grace to forgive (Hebrews 12:15) is that your unforgiveness defiles other relationships, even people who never hurt you. There's another unChristlike outcome if you let yourself be imprisoned by begrudging, seething bitterness: a sense of vindictive pleasure when you hear that something went wrong in the life of the unforgiven individual. That's vengeance and it has no place in the life of someone who says they love our Lord Jesus (Romans 12:19,20)!

Here's an even more painful consequence. Over time your bitterness against the perpetrator results in your growing distrust in our heavenly Father. That's because inside yourself you've assumed that He should have prevented that hurtful situation — but He didn't. Our Father may not have caused the situation which kindled the emotional pain you're experiencing (after all, someone else's sin nature can readily take it out on the innocent). But even if you do realize that it was another human being who caused you pain, you find you still can't trust God because He let you be hurt. And yes, the Bible does reveal that our heavenly Father allows His children to suffer. He certainly doesn't ask our permission for this. Nor does He ask that we understand His ways. 

Keep in mind this essential truth about our God. He does give us the grace to forgive and to trust that, as the perfect Father, He has purposes for the hurt that took place (Romans 5:3-5; 1Peter 4:1) that are often beyond our comprehension. That's why He admonishes us to not doubt Him: "Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for special purposes and some for common use?" (Romans 9:21; see also Isaiah 45:9). As you read the questions below, look at them as a safeguard for you to hold onto when you are emotionally hurt by someone else. Our Lord's perspective on your situation will help keep you from imprisoning yourself in bitterness and defiling others through slander:

1. Did the person who hurt you do it with malicious intent, or did he or she hurt you unintentionally? (The vast majority of hurt feelings are caused by unplanned words or attitudes or actions. That person may not even be aware that they offended you by what they said or did.)

2. If they are unaware of the offense and/or haven’t asked your forgiveness, can you just forgive them in your heart and walk away from the offense?

3. If you find that you can’t forgive them, then you need to go to that person to discuss your wounding. If you're not willing to do that, then you need to permanently shut your mouth about what the offender said or did. If you don’t forgive and/or to keep the offense to yourself, then you’ll tell other people what happened. This means you'll sin by slander, and the person who listens to you will likely end up resenting your offender with you, thereby defiling themselves.

4. If you do tell others what the offender did to hurt you, then you'll need to ask forgiveness from the people you told as well as from the person against whom you’ve held bitterness for the slander you spoke about them.

We sincerely encourage you that while you're still alive, be absolutely sure there is no one who is unforgiven by you. Forgiving and asking forgiveness takes humility, a virtue which our heavenly Father blesses. And do all you can to help those you love to be free from any bitterness or ill feelings against anyone. Don't allow the insidious tool of Satan, the Queen, to use you in ways that bring down the loving and holy reputation of our Lord Jesus. This coming presidential election is already showcasing the Queen’s domination of this nation through the bitter people it holds captive to do the devil's will—a warning as apt today as when Paul penned it 2000 years ago.

Mike & Sue

PS For over 40 years we've been aware of 10 God-given unchangeable characteristics about which we first learned through the Institute in Basic Life Principles. Examine this list closely. You don't want to be embittered or resentful by any of these characteristics God gave you, since each one came by His design. Neither should you have disdain for any person or group of people because of any of the 10 characteristics you see in them. If you do have a negative response to someone because you dislike any of their unchangeable characteristics, then you'll be in trouble with God. Why? Because each of the 10 unchangeables are predetermined by the will of God before a person is born. Don't find yourself opposing God by how you react to how He made you or anyone else.

1. Your physical features. 

2. Your mental capabilities. 

3. Your parents. 

4. Your gender. 

5. Your birth order. 

6. Your brothers and sisters.

7. Your nationality.

8. Your race.

9. Your time in history.

10. Your aging and life span.

Is there anyone you need to ask forgiveness because of your attitude regarding any of their unchangeable characteristics? And if you realize you've fallen short of having our Lord's love, forgiveness and compassion toward anyone, then you may want to make this Scripture song by Keith Green your prayer for yourself and for the people you care about as cold love floods the nation at large and much of Christianity in particular: Create In Me A Clean Heart