Being The Reality Of Jesus To A Wicked World

Pinpointing Key Facets Concerning The Hebraic Foundations

In this series of Realities articles we are not going to direct you how to live. Rather, we want to help those of you who have only recently become aware of the Hebraic foundations. This material will also encourage those of you who may have previously used what we produced but you weren't prepared to put them into practice then. Our goal is that:


1. Your life revolves personally around the Headship of Lord Jesus in bringing glory to your heavenly Father through doing His will. (John 15:5-8; Ephesians 1:15-23)

2. You live repentantly by grace and help others to live likewise, in love upholding communal righteousness within the relational connectedness of a home fellowship. This will ensure that our heavenly Father will hear and answer your prayers. (Psalms 34:14,15; Ephesians 4:15,16)

3. You diligently seek the Holy Spirit's rhema so that by the Spirit you can specifically carry out your Father's will and glorify Jesus. (John 16:13; Romans 8:14)

4. With the Holy Spirit’s help you will manifest the aroma of Jesus, beginning with His love, forgiveness and compassion. (Ephesians 4:32; Matthew 5:44)

Being The Reality Of Jesus 

To A Wicked World

(Click on the title)

1. The US Or Europe Being “Christian” Is Only An Illusion

2.  Jesus Wasn’t A European White Man

3. Now Is The Time For You Younger People To Prepare

4. Is Your Life In Bondage To The “Halo Effect”?

 5. We Are Old But We’ve Never Seen The Repentant Forsaken

6. The Dark Frame Of Reference Behind The Halo

7. The Self-Sabotaging Bondage Of The Halo Effect

8. Satan Fears The Holy Spirit’s Power, Intervention & Guidance

9. Don’t Mistake Our Lord’s Kingdom For Christianity

10, Our God Is Sovereign Over Everything! Yes, Everything!

11. Christ-like Relationships Are Free Of Self Sovereignty

12. Christ-like Bonding Is A Must

13. God Created Humanity Male And Female

14. A Wife's Unique Quality Needs Her Husband's Authority

15. "Man, I Chose You. You Didn't Choose Me."

16. What You’re Conceived With, You Live With!

17. Make absolutely sure you’re free of Jezebel!

18. We Must Reflect Jesus Heart and Soul!

19. Women Young Or Old: Don't Defame Our Lord!

20. My Life’s Pilgrimage As My Husband's Suitable Helper

21. You Must Be A Spiritually Valiant Older Woman!

22. If You Don’t Bear Lasting Fruit, Do You Really Belong To Jesus?

23. Cherish A Personal Connection With Our Lord As Abraham Did 

24. The Older Testament Reveals A Sovereign, Powerfully Awesome God

25. Our Awesome And Limitless God Interacts With His Chosen Ones

26. The Older Testament Convinces You Of Your Need For Unwavering Trust

27.  The Older Testament Is Your Starting Point For Your True Identity in Christ

29. The Genuinely Born Again Rely On The Holy Spirit’s Guidance