Restoring the Hebraic Foundations of the Earliest Church
Revealing how to live spiritually powerful and relationally intimate
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Spot On
Spot on: accurate, correct, dead-on, exact, good, on-target, precise, proper, right, true
“Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who
built his house on the rock”
(Matthew 7:24; see also Luke 8:21; James 2:17-26).
Spot Ons are accurate translations of various texts in the Bible without the influence of translators who promoted the unbiblical domination of Nicolaitan clergy. Many of these translators were anti-Semitic and downplayed the essential interconnection of both testaments. In doing so, they eradicated the biblical role of older men of wisdom (zakenim) who represented the Father’s compassionate concern for His children. They replaced these essential wise elders with younger educated men who had no life experience to validate their knowledge. Propelled onward by the demonic influence of Hellenist Revisionism which twisted and allegorized the God-breathed text of the Hebrew Scriptures, these translators adapted a myriad of pagan-based religious practices and rituals, declaring them “Christian.”
By amputating the Hebrew connection of the Older Testament to the Newer Testament, each forthcoming translation resulted in the schisms and creedal confusion which now divide Christianity into 40,000 opposing and competing factions. The centuries-long domination of Nicolaitanism and Hellenism has produced predominantly passive, pacified pew sitters whose lives go unchanged by what they docilely hear week after week. Sadly, very few walk the talk by actively and intentionally extending the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus through His Spirit at work in them.
Reaching back through centuries of Nicolaitan dominance and Hellenist Revisionism in Christianity, Spot On restores the Hebraic foundational emphasis on the processes of how you live your life: the responsive actions our Lord commands all of His followers, and their responsibility to deferentially obey by grace the One they love. Through the indwelling Holy Spirit, both your faith and your obedience are confirmed by your way of life — the decisions, values and goals which are demonstrated in your actions.
• To mutually establish a biblically-based way of life, read and discuss: “General Rules of Biblical Interpretation.”
(Click on the title)
1. Spiritual Warfare Is The Bonafide Life In The Kingdom
2. Godly Women With A Peaceable Spirit Can Speak!
3. Those Who Lead Father’s Family Don’t Rule Over Them!
4. “In Christ” Is A Lifelong Union Of Relational Intimacy
5. Dialoguing vs Preaching: Who’s Talking?
6. A Fear of “Works” Cloaking Your Shallow, Counterfeit Faith?
8. Begging On Behalf Of The Harvest
9. Continuing Steadfastly Together With One Mind
10. The Depth Of Love Our Lord Jesus Commands
11. There Are Consequences For Spiritual Adultery
12. Why Are So Many “Christians” Living In Lawlessness?
13. Are You Spending Your Few Years Of Earthly Life As A Sojourner?
14. Does Your Walk in Christ Entail Ongoing Obedient Trust?
15. In Both Testaments, Love-Grounded Obedient Trust Confronts Sin
16. Your Way Of Life Must Revolve Around The Ever-Present, Indwelling Lordship of Jesus
17. Is Your Life Revolving Around A Minimized Understanding Of Jesus?
18. Revolving Around Jesus's Rule of You Means He's LORD of ALL You Are!
19. A Life Revolving Around Our Lord Jesus Must Be Free Of Legalistic Perversion!
20. God's Commands Are Not A Burden For Lives Revolving Around Jesus' Lordship!
21. A Life Revolving Around The Lordship Of Jesus Is An Empowered Life!
22. Fellowship Revolves Around The Lordship Of Jesus And His Spirit's Gifts!