Discussing How To 

Restore The Early Church

"I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for,

it will be done for you by My Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in My name, 

there am I with them" (Matthew 18:19,20).

This series of discussion lessons expands on what we shared in our book, Restoring the Early Church, which is based on research we did in Israel and in subsequent exploration. These teachings are designed for your study and discussion so that your own faith journey may reflect the spiritual power and relational intimacy that were experienced by the earliest followers of Jesus.

If you're planning to go through these lessons with others (highly recommended!), we encourage you to introduce them to this material by using Lesson 1, Introduction to the Hebraic Restoration. CLICK on it below and print it out. Then give it to those with whom you expect to go through this series.

At the bottom of this page is an update to the lessons on home fellowships: Preparing Home Fellowship Families for the Dark Days of Chastisement. Through these lessons we hope to help individuals and families be prepared to support each other so that not one of them denies their faith when our Father chastises this nation for its sins! Our goal is that you be fully equipped to love and serve our Lord Jesus through His indwelling Spirit in the face of extreme adversity and persecution. These issues must be discussed in advance so that you, your family and those you would fellowship with are mutually committed as to WHY you need to prepare now, and HOW you will prepare yourselves.

The issue for you NOW is to scrutinize your own life first to determine if if the purposes of our Heavenly Father the rule of Lord Jesus is at the core of who you are. And prayerfully look around you to see who will join you in serving our Lord as lights in the darkness.

Discussing How To Restore 

The Early Church Lessons

(Click on Lesson Number)

Introductory Lessons

Lesson 1

Introduction to the Hebraic Restoration

Lesson 2


Lesson 3

1. Hellenist Christianity in the US Today

Lesson 4

1. How Was the Word Lost?

2. Can Gentiles Be Christians?

3. Is The Hellenized Church Under A Curse? 

Section 1 - Lesson 5

The Older Testament:

1. Foundation For The Newer Testament

2. Disclosure Of God As Initiator and Revealer

3. Source For Understanding Covenants

4. The Prophetic Voice of God 

Section 1 - Lesson 6

The Older Testament: 

1. Foundation For The True Gospel

2. Root For Spiritual Rebirth And Unwavering Trust In God

3. Key To Repentance

4. Source For Evangelism

Section 1 - Lesson 7

The Older Testament: 

1. Foundation For Understanding Love

2. Origin Of Nurturing Family

3. Source For Discerning God’s Revelation

4. Inception Of Applying God’s Word

Section 1 - Lesson 8

A Hebraic Perspective:

1. The Hebraic Stream Versus The Judaizing Stream

2. Hebraic Logic

3. Representing Our Father’s Care Through Action

4. Humility As You Serve Others

5. The Sacred Nature Of All Of Life

Section 1 - Lesson 9

A Hebraic Perspective: 

1. Life As A Pilgrimage

2. The Answered Prayer Of The Righteous

3. The Home, The Basic Spiritual Building Block

4. Fellowship Of Extended Spiritual Family

Section 1 - Lesson 10

A Hebraic Perspective: 

1. Elders, Our Father’s Representatives

2. The Importance of Older Women

3. Growing Wise And Remaining Teachable 

Section 1 - Lesson 11

A Hebraic Perspective: 

1. A Priesthood Change: From Levitical To Melchizedek’s

2. Empowered By The Holy Spirit

3. Immersion In The Holy Spirit

4. The Holy Spirit AsTeacher

5. The Spirit of Conviction

Section 1 - Lesson 12

A Hebraic Perspective: 

1. The Holy Spirit: Giver of Spiritual Discernment 

Section 1 - Lesson 13 

A Hebraic Perspective: 

1. The Holy Spirit: Power Behind Spiritual Gifts

2. The Holy Spirit: Instigator of Communal Connectedness 

Section 2 - Lesson 14

The Loss of Our Hebraic Roots: 

1. The Hebraic-Christians/Judaism Divide

2. The Church Encounters A Curse — The Plight of the Jews

3. Israel: What Is God Doing? What Should It Mean To Me?

Section 2 - Lesson 15

The Loss of Our Hebraic Roots: 

1. Man-Centered Hellenized Christendom

2. The Genesis of Hellenism

3. An Allegorized Christianity 

Section 2 - Lesson 16

The Loss of Our Hebraic Roots:

1. Attack On Jesus's Victory: Pietism and Asceticism

2. Attack On Jesus's Victory: Self-mortification

3. The Attack On Jesus: Veneration Of Mary and The Saints

Section 2 - Lesson 17 

The Loss of Our Hebraic Roots: 

1. Blessing Food To Make It “Holy”

2. Displacing Communion As Covenant Renewal

3. Rise of the Hellenized “Holy Man”

4. Construction of the Hellenized “Holy Place”

5. Interpersonal Discussion Replaced by Pulpit Sermons

6. Worship Becomes A Soulish Experience

Section 2 - Lesson 18 

The Loss of Our Hebraic Roots: 

1. Devaluation Of Life

2. Reason Replaces Revelation

3. Revisionism Replaces Apperception

4. The Rise of Church Councils 

Section 2 - Lesson 19 

The Loss of Our Hebraic Roots: 

1. The Roman Conquest Of The Church

2. The Reformation: Only The Beginning

Section 3 - Lesson 20 

Hellenism And Romanism Today: The Impact of Hellenist Seminaries

Section 3 - Lesson 21 

Hellenism And Romanism Today: Roman Hierarchy And Corporate America

Section 3 - Lesson 22 

Hellenism And Romanism Today:

1. The Prophets Are Still Warning 

2. A Call To Repentance

3. Scrutinize Your Own Faith Practices

Section 4 - Lesson 23 

Restoring The Early Church:

1. God's Design For His Church

2. The Early Church, A Tribal Culture

3. Man's Design: Programs And Institutionalism

4. Recap: God's Design For Growth In Christlikeness

Your Relationship With 

Your Father & Jesus

Section 4 - Lesson 24 

The Father And Jesus

Part 1. The Covenant Basis To The True Gospel:

•1. Introduction: The Gospel Of the Covenant Is The Pilgrimage To Salvation

•2. Never Assume That Someone (Even You!) Is A Christian!

•3. Our Father —— A Covenant-Giver

•4. Our Father —— A Covenant-Keeper

Section 4 - Lesson 25 

The Father And Jesus

Part 1. The Covenant Basis To The True Gospel:

•1. Covenants Must Be Both Ratified And Consummated

•2. Intense Desire Needed To Enter Into Covenant

•3. A Closer Look At A Covenant Ceremony

•4. Covenants Are Renewed

•5. Breaking A Covenant Means Death

•6. Our Father's Covenant Ceremony

Section 4 - Lesson 26

The Father And Jesus

Part 2. Discerning The True Gospel From False Ones:

•1. Signs Of False Gospels

•2. The True Gospel: Justification + Sanctification = Salvation

•3. Sanctification—A Lifetime Of Putting Things On God’'s Altar

•4. False Gospels: Justification = Salvation

•5. The Older Testament: THE Source For The Gospel Of Jesus

•6. Our Father's Covenant: A Trust-filled Pilgrimage Of Love

Section 4 - Lesson 27 

The Father And Jesus

Part 3. The True Gospel of the Covenant:

Our Father's Stipulations For Ratifying And Consummating The Covenant

1. Your Salvation Pilgrimage both Begins and Continues with Your Repentance

2. Your Salvation Pilgrimage both Begins and 

      Continues with Your agape (ahav) Love

3. Your Salvation Pilgrimage both Begins and Continues with Your Obedient Trust

4. Your Salvation Pilgrimage both Begins and Continues with Your Forceful Conviction 

and Steadfast Determination

5. Your Salvation Pilgrimage both Begins and Continues with You Forgiving Others

•6. Summary Of The Covenant Issues

Section 4 - Lesson 28 

The Father And Jesus

Part 4. The Seal Of Consummation—— The Holy Spirit

•1. Streams Of Living Water—The Indwelling Holy Spirit

•2. The Spirit Throughout The Bible

•3. All Generations Of Jesus Followers Need The Holy Spirit

•4. Empowerment From The Spirit 

Section 4 - Lesson 29 

The Father And Jesus

Part 4. The Seal Of Consummation—— The Holy Spirit

•1. Prophecy, Words Of Knowledge, Wisdom: 

Gifts To Support Your Trust And Confront Your Reason

•2. Suffering, The Spirit's Agency For Change 

•3. Grumbling Grieves The Spirit And Impedes Spiritual Growth

•4. Prayer: Trusting God To Respond

•5. Remember, Our Father's Children Are Free! 

Your Relationships In Your Home

Section 5 - Lesson 30 

The Home—The Basic Building Block For Spiritual Growth:

•1. God's Purpose For Marriage

•2. So Your Marriage Had A Bad Start

•3. Honey, We Aren't The Same

Section 5 - Lesson 31 

The Home—The Basic Building Block For Spiritual Growth:

•1. Do You Mirror Christ-likeness or the Judas Identity?

•2. Scrutinize Your Faith Expression 

•3. Are You Hebraic or Nicolaitan?

•4. Are You Spiritually Free?

•5. Do You Forgive? 

Section 5 - Lesson 32 

The Home—The Basic Building Block For Spiritual Growth:

•1. Removing Presumption and False Expectation

•2. Applying God’s Word To Train Yourself 

 Not to give in to Presumption and False Expectation 

Section 5 - Lesson 33 

The Home—The Basic Building Block For Spiritual Growth:

•1. God-given Unchangeable Characteristics

•2. Why We Need Fathers 

Section 5 - Lesson 34 

The Home—The Basic Building Block For Spiritual Growth

A Closer Look at Males:

•1. Mike's Pilgrimage To The Hebraic Foundations

•2. Rites of Passage

•3. Stages of Male Development

•4. Growing Wise and Remaining Teachable 

Section 5 - Lesson 35

The Home—The Basic Building Block For Spiritual Growth:

A Closer Look At Females:

•1. Sue's Pilgrimage To The Hebraic Foundations

•2. What Do We Women Really Inherit From Our Mothers?

•3. Helping Women To Be Blessed By What I've Learned

Section 5 - Lesson 36

The Home—The Basic Building Block For Spiritual Growth:

•Men In The Gap — Authority In The Home

1. What Is Authority?

2. Authority Given To Men 

Section 5 - Lesson 37

The Home—The Basic Building Block For Spiritual Growth:

•Authority In The Home

3. “Delegated Responsibility”

4. No Excuses, No Blame

5. God's Requirement For Peace

6. Authority Has Jurisdictional Limits

Section 5 - Lesson 38

The Home—The Basic Building Block For Spiritual Growth:

•Authority In The Home

7. Deference Produces Trust 

8. God's Means to Produce Biblical Character

9. Godly Submission: A Matter of Choice 

Section 5 - Lesson 39

The Home—The Basic Building Block For Spiritual Growth:

•Encouragement For Couples

1. Learn From The Heart Of David 

2. Make It Easy To Be Respected 

3. Make Your Home A Sanctuary 

4. The Wedding Vase

5. Rhema, Seeking God’s Specific Guidance

6. Establish Halakhahs For Your Family

7. Be A Person Of Wisdom

8. Establish Truth Through Discussion

Section 5 - Lesson 40

The Home—The Basic Building Block For Spiritual Growth:

•Encouragement For Couples

9. Confront Sources Of Apprehension 

10. Cherish Correction Avoid Orthodoxy–Right Behavior

11. Submit To Spiritual Authority 

12. Choose Orthopraxy–Right Heart

13. Let Your Love Evidence Your Faith

14. Know Your Spiritual Gifts And Use Them

Section 5 - Lesson 41

The Home—The Basic Building Block For Spiritual Growth:

•Sue's Counsel For The Ezer

1. “Ride ‘Em, Rope ‘Em, Brand ‘Em”

2. Beware of the Mavericks! 

3. Don’t Step In Unwisely 

4. Monitor the Media! 

5. “You Belong To Me”

6. Don’t Give Way to Fear!

7. Nurture A Beautiful Spirit

8. Obedience — Isn't That For Dogs?

9. Call Him Lord??

10. Eve Was Deceived, Are You?

11. Grandmothers—The Queen's Best Allies

12. Are You An Ezer?

Section 5 - Lesson 42 

The Home—The Basic Building Block For Spiritual Growth:

•Godly Parenting

1. Children: Success Without Successors is Failure

2. Children: Born With A Sin Nature—Destined For Eternity

Section 5 - Lesson 43

The Home—The Basic Building Block For Spiritual Growth:

•Godly Parenting

3. Share The Gospel Of The Covenant With Your Children

4. Instill In Your Children A Repentant Heart

5. Show The Importance of Communal Righteousness

6. Impart A Forgiving Heart Through the Spirit

7. Role Model How To Love

Section 5 - Lesson 44 

The Home—The Basic Building Block For Spiritual Growth:

•Godly Parenting

8. Develop Deference At Home

9. Guide Your Child's Ambition 

Relationships With Your 

Fellowship In Homes

Section 6 - Lesson 45 

Fellowship In Homes —— Extended Spiritual Family: 

•1. Fellowship in Homes As the Early Church

•2. Living Righteously Through Repentance and Confession

•3. Upholding Communal Righteousness

•4. Prayer As Spiritual Warfare 

Section 6 - Lesson 46

Fellowship In Homes —— Extended Spiritual Family: 

•Load-bearing Relationships

1. Introduction To Load-bearing

2. The Relational Influence Of The Righteous Breeds Courage

3. Cherish The Children Their Angels See The Face Of God

4. Love Is Demonstrated In Blessing Others 

Section 6 - Lesson 47

Fellowship In Homes —— Extended Spiritual Family: 

•Shepherded by Elders

1. The Father's Representatives; Anointed By The Spirit 

2. Honored in the Family and Faith Community

3. Shepherding: A Father's Heart

4. Having The Father’'s Larger View

5. Newer Testament Qualifications and Faith Community 

Section 6 - Lesson 48 

Fellowship In Homes —— Extended Spiritual Family: 

•Shepherded by Elders

6. Constant Vigilance: Keeping the Sheep In and the Wolves Out

7. Gatekeeping: Doing Spiritual Triage

8. Flying Your Flock To The Father

9. Seek Rhema, Establish Halakhahs, And Ensure They’re Followed 

Section 6 - Lesson 49 

Fellowship In Homes —— Extended Spiritual Family: 

•Collective Considerations

1. Hand-in-Hand Fellowship

2. The Role Of Older Women

3. NO Two Fellowships Are Alike 

4. Family Gatherings

5. Thoroughly Talk Things Over

6. Don't Spill Your Guts

7. Laying On Of Hands

8. Silence the Sacerdotal

9. Terminate Communication Killers

10. Avoid Disagreements Between the Sexes 

Section 6 - Lesson 50 

Fellowship In Homes —— Extended Spiritual Family: 

•A Journey Requires A Destination and A First Step

Seize Your Neighborhood Than Your City for Jesus:

1. Establish a perimeter of holiness in each home of your faith community.

2. Secure your perimeter and protect it from infiltration.

3. Expand your perimeter.

4.  Destroy Satan's perimeter by multiplying your faith community. 

Preparing Home Fellowship Families 

for the Dark Days of Chastisement

Lesson 1

Topic 1. Introduction

Topic 2. Do You Understand The Present Times And What God Wants You To Do?

Topic 3. The Entire Bible Is God’s Word For All Ages

Lesson 2

Topic 1. The Restoration, A Continuation of the Reformation

Topic 2. The Suzerain-Vassal Basis to God’s Covenants

Lesson 3

Topic 1. The Covenant Understanding of the Pilgrims and Puritans

Lesson 4

Topic 1. The Battle Cry of Jesus

Topic 2. The First Called-Out Ones Fellowshipped in Homes