Restoration Ministries International

Sharing the Hebraic Foundations of the Earliest Followers of Jesus

Preparing Today's Followers of Jesus to Do Their Part in His Kingdom

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All our materials are free of charge. For a pdf copy of the books or articles below, click on the title. 

1. To free people from 

demonic control and influence.

Our Lord Jesus set people free from demonic control and influence. In His Name the first disciples were given this authority (Matthew 10:8, 12:28; Luke 10:17).

Demolishing Strongholds

(click on title for a pdf copy)

This useful workbook helps you identify and demolish the demonic influences that may be keeping you from all the freedom that Jesus promises you. You'll also discover your 7 God-given needs, and ways to fill in the ruts of old, sin-induced ways and attitudes. The workbook is designed to help individuals as well as families and small groups.

See also the Demolishing Strongholds Video Series as a great companion to the Demolishing Strongholds workbook! 

If spiritual forces are a new topic for you, we suggest our video series, Certain Of What We Do Not See Video & Audio Series. You'll explore the biblical backdrop of the unseen reality of the Holy Spirit, angels and demons and how they impact your life.

Related Demolishing Strongholds Articles:

Demolishing Your Strongholds Online Form

This fillable form contains a list of strongholds and symptoms from our book Demolishing Strongholds . Use the online form to determine if you or those close to you such as your family and faith community have demonic strongholds influencing your lives.

Demolishing Strongholds You don’t have to repeat your parents’ wrongs!

This 8-page condensed version of Demolishing Strongholds is designed to use with young people, youth in detention centers, prison convicts, and anyone whose upbringing has left lasting wounds in their heart and mind.

Is Interpersonal Apprehension Hindering You From Experiencing The Love Of Jesus?

Demonic strongholds are relationship destroyers. Strongholds often reveal themselves in the interpersonal apprehension that produces co-dependency. Co-dependency occurs when there is ongoing fear to confront or correct someone who is habitually creating apprehension in a relationship. Because of this apprehension your ability to experience the love of Jesus is sorely hindered.

Spanish, German and Chinese Translations of Demolishing Strongholds

Derribando Las Fortalezas — Spanish

Esta versión original en español de Demolishing Strongholds te ayuda a identificar y destruir las influencias demoníacas que pueden estar impidiéndote de que toda la libertad que Jesús te promete. Tú descubrirás tus 7 necesidades dadas por Dios y el camino de rellenar las roderas de maneras viejas y actitudes que son pecaminosos. ¡Estupendo para individuos, familias y grupos pequeños!

Zerschlagung deine Festungen — German

Dieses nützliche Arbeitsbuch unterstützt Sie bei der Identifikation von dämonischen Einflüssen, die Sie möglicherweise davon abhalten, die Freiheit, welche der Herr Jesus versprochen hat zu erfahren. Sie entdecken Ihre 7 Gott gegebenen Bedürfnisse, und auch wie Sie die Spurrillen falscher Verhaltensweisen und Einstellungen abbrechen können. Und sind in der Lage diese wiederum mit neuen, richtigen Einstellungen und Handlungen zu füllen. Sie werden nur auf die Stimme des Heiligen Geistes in Ihnen hören und reagieren. Gut geeignet für Einzelpersonen, Familien und kleine Gruppen!

Demolishing Strongholds Workbook — Chinese version

2. How To Live In Covenant Union


Restoring The Early Church

(click on title above for a pdf copy of all four volumes)  

This book offers an overall understanding of the Hebraic foundations which enabled the first followers of Jesus to be so relationally intimate and spiritually powerful in mutually fulfilling our Father’s purposes. It also shows how you can put into practice these biblically fundamental principles in your own life and that of your family and fellowship family.

Prodigal Church

(click on title for a pdf copy) 

Prodigal Church is a 38-page condensation of Restoring The Early Church.

Pastoring By Elders

(click on title for a pdf copy) 

The book and the audio version provide the biblical basis for restoring older men — the wise elders so often highlighted in Scripture — back to serving our Father's children as true pastors of our Lord Jesus’ flock. You'll discover how Hellenist philosophy and Roman organization did away with the older wise shepherds of God's faith communities. In their place? A system of young, educated clergy who desperately lack the wisdom of life experience and the compassion to come alongside the sheep in loving service.

If you prefer listening to this book: 

Pastoring By Elders Audio.

Growing Relationships 

Through Confrontation

(click on title for a pdf copy) 

This brief book and/or audio version help you explore how to rid yourself of apprehension in all your relationships! This Hebraic style of love-motivated confrontation equips you to effectively deal with the differences you have with others yet still allow those relationships to grow.

If you prefer listening to this book: Growing Relationships Through Confrontation Audio.

God's Instruments For War

(click on title for a pdf copy)     

This handy-size workbook helps you identify your spiritual gifts and use them cooperatively with others in your family and faith community to extend God's Kingdom. Greatly increases your effectiveness in the spiritual warfare raging around you! For an online fillable form of the spiritual gifts survey in the book <click here>.

Christian Halakhahs  

(click on title for a pdf copy)    

This brief book and/or audio version equips you and your family to practice the biblical teaching style of the early Church. Don’t be confused about God's will for you any more! Learn to apply God's Word to your daily life decisions. through the determined example of Nehemiah as he rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem.

If you prefer listening to this book: Christian Halakhahs Audio.

The books below are organized in the sequence our Lord Jesus used in revealing the Kingdom of God — the same sequence He gave to His disciples for their ministry:

1. To free people from demonic control and influence.

2. To reveal how to live in Covenant union with the Father.