Sharing the Hebraic Foundations of the Earliest Followers of Jesus
Preparing Today's Followers of Jesus to Do Their Part in His Kingdom
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Mutually Serving Jesus Your Lord With
Resolute Determination
“Do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so?” (Amos 3:3).
Resolute determination:
•Joining together is a beginning;
•Keeping together is progress;
•Serving our Lord Jesus together is success!
This series of practical videos emphasizes how to mutually and cooperatively serve Jesus as Lord of your life with the same resolute determination His first followers had. These men and women clearly understood a key relational truth: that people who belong to our Lord Jesus operate cooperatively as the Holy Spirit-empowered body of Christ — with Jesus as their only Head. Enacting your life in Christ together requires mutually supportive interactive discussion.
To mutually make wise, Spirit-guided decisions in which everyone is committed requires cooperative interactive discussion. Please view this short video clip to learn how to set in motion this mutually supportive discussion process:
Mutually Serving Jesus Your Lord With Resolute Determination Videos
(Click on the title)
1. Unity Begins With Two Or Three
2. What's Wrong In Christianity Today?
3. Abraham, Trust, Resolute Determination
4. Clergy Replaced The Lordship of Jesus
6. Bible: One Complete Revelation Of God
7. Jesus Is Present in Both Testaments
8. New Covenant Is Militant Service
9. God Created The Vast Universe
10. New Covenant’s Relational Priorities
11. Father's Adoption Offer To You
12. Repentance Is A Life-altering Step
13. Repentance Must Be Authenticated
14. Your Father Adopts You Into His Heart
15. Father's Commands: How To Relate
16. Father Disciplines His Children
17. Father's Children Trust Him Completely
18. Father Seeks Your Love-based Trust
19. Jesus Gave Deference Through Trust
20. Father's Children We Are Living Proof
21. Father's Child Means Forgiving Others
22. Unforgiveness And Satan's Influence
23. Resolute Determination Is A Force
24.Resolute Determination Mutual Support
25. Your Pilgrimage Is From The Holy Spirit
26. Unit Of The Kingdom Is Two Or Three
27. Your Sin Nature: The Dark Side Of You
28. Born Again—Our Father’s Children
29. Father’s Love Includes Suffering
30. Father’s Children Live In A Spiritual War
31. Don't Be Easily Enticed By The Devil
32. Father: Obedience-based Children
33. Intimidation Robs Father's Dignity
34. Father's Whistleblower: Our Lord Jesus
35. Confronting Sin Isn't Optional
36. The Righteous Have Spiritual Power
37. “Courageous”: Father’s Children
38. “Pilgrimage" Is A Follower Of Jesus
39. Hebraic-based Training Methods
40. Doctrine Is Your Mutual Way Of Life
41. Effective Discussion: Talking Circle
42. Father’s Family Do His Will
43. No Fellowship With The Lawless
44. Spirit Of Lawlessness Precedes Jezebel
45. Alpha Males/Females Belong To Jezebel
47. Righteousness Must Be Debris Free
48. The Entire Bible Is God-breathed
49. The Entire Bible & The Holy Spirit.
50. "Spiritual Guerrilla Warfare”
51. Marriage Covenant > New Covenant
52. Suffering "No Pain, No Gain"
54. Father’s Will Requires Spiritual Combat
55. One Way To Equip Us For War
56. Spiritual Gifts: The Common Good (1)
57. Spiritual Gifts: The Common Good (2)
58. Christ-like Authority And Deference
59. Abraham Safeguarded His Family
60. Pivotal Role Of The Shepherd/Teacher
61. It's Time For Shepherds To Prepare
62. Shepherds Develop True Fellowship
63. Hear His Voice And Don’t Harden Your Hearts
64. Belonging To Jesus Is To Confront Injustice
65. Gatekeeping Requires Your Conviction
66. Don’t Let Your Tongue Destroy Your Fellowship
67. You Must Be Equally Committed To God's Word
68. Priority Relationships Necessitate Intrusion
69. Knowing Who God Is Begins In The Older Testament
70. The Lord-Vassal Relationship Of The New Covenant
71. Breaking Faith Breaks The New Covenant
72. Hearing The Holy Spirit’s Voice & Prompting
73. Transforming Process Of Heart Circumcision