Restoration Ministries International

Sharing the Hebraic Foundations of the Earliest Followers of Jesus

Preparing Today's Followers of Jesus to Do Their Part in His Kingdom

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How Would Jesus Live 

If He Were You?

"If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. So, whether we live or die, 

we belong to the Lord" (Romans 14:8).

Do you have A MINUTE to remind yourself of some essential truths? Each of these one-to-two minute videos is a daily refresher based on God's Word. Each one reveals what your life will be like when JESUS lives it through you. But if you're going to live as Jesus would, both you individually and those journeying with you need to collectively ask Him to enable you to LOVE as He loves. Through that love, you must rely on the power of the HOLY SPIRIT indwelling you, especially in the SPIRITUAL GIFTS He has apportioned to each person who follows Jesus as Lord of their life. The Spirit works through these giftings, each of which is discussed in SEGMENTS 11-31 . And these gifts are as necessary today as they were when He first distributed them: 

"There are different kinds of gifts, but the SAME SPIRIT… The one and the same Spirit works all these things, and HE distributes them to each person individually, just as HE purposes. For as the body is one and is made up of many parts, but all the parts being many are one body, so it is with Christ" (1Corinthians 12:4,11,12, literal).

We who follow Jesus as Lord of our lives are in a SPIRITUAL BATTLE for the souls of humanity, including unbelieving family members and others we care about. Only as we work together in the power and anointings of the Spirit can we effectively fight the demonic hordes of darkness that exercise control over minds and influence people’s actions. As you make the truths in these Insights your WAY OF LIFE, you'll be strengthened and encouraged to do your part in the war! Also, read: Today, What Would Jesus Do If He Were You? (pdf  format).

How Would Jesus Live 

If He Were You?

(Click on title)

1. Get & Stay Connected To Your Lord As Your Vine!

2. Get & Stay Connected To Your Lord In Love!

3. Get & Stay Connected To Your Lord In Prayer!

4. Get & Stay Connected To Your Lord By Confessing Sins!

5. Get & Stay Connected To Your Lord In Living Righteously!

6. Get & Stay Connected To Your Lord Doing Father’s Will!

7. Get & Stay Connected To Your Lord By Holy Spirit Rhema

8. Get & Stay Connected To Your Lord By The Spirit’s Love!

9. Get & Stay Connected To Your Lord By Holy Spirit Power!

10. Get & Stay Connected To Your Lord Using Spirit Power!

11. Get & Stay Connected To Your Lord In Administration!

12. Get & Stay Connected To Your Lord In Apostleship!

13. Get & Stay Connected To Your Lord In Gift Of Celibacy!

14. Get & Stay Connected To Your Lord  Discerning Spirits!

15. Get & Stay Connected To Your Lord In Evangelism Gift!

16. Get & Stay Connected To Your Lord In Exhortation!

17. Get & Stay Connected To Your Lord Thru Gift Of Faith!

18. Get & Stay Connected To Your Lord In Gift Of Giving!

19. Get & Stay Connected To Your Lord In Gifts Of Healing!

20. Get & Stay Connected To Your Lord In Gift Of Helping!

21. Get & Stay Connected To Your Lord In Interpreting Gift!

22. Get & Stay Connected To Your Lord In Knowledge Gift!

23. Get & Stay Connected To Your Lord In Gift Of Leading!

24. Get & Stay Connected To Your Lord With Gift Of Mercy!

25. Get & Stay Connected To Your Lord In Gift Of Miracles!

26. Get & Stay Connected To Your Lord In Gift Of Missions!

27. Get & Stay Connected To Your Lord In Gift Of Prophecy!

28. Get & Stay Connected To Your Lord In Shepherding!

29. Get & Stay Connected To Your Lord In Gift Of Teaching!

30. Get & Stay Connected To Your Lord In Gift Of Tongues!

31. Get & Stay Connected To Your Lord In Gift Of Wisdom!