Restoration Ministries International

Sharing the Hebraic Foundations of the Earliest Followers of Jesus

Preparing Today's Followers of Jesus to Do Their Part in His Kingdom

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Who We Are

"May God be gracious to us and bless us 

and make His face shine upon us,

that Your ways may be known on earth, 

Your salvation among all nations" (Psalms 67:1,2)

Mike and Sue Dowgiewicz began following our Lord Jesus in 1977 while Mike was a career officer in the navy, having served three deployments during the Vietnam Conflict as a helicopter pilot. After being born again he realized that following Jesus was a response of overwhelming love toward his Lord and obedient trust in Him. He wanted to learn how he could more adequately present the life-changing work of His Savior to others. Resigning from the navy in 1978, he attended Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary to study the roots of the many denominations and sects throughout Christendom. There he was made painfully aware of both the division and the competition being enacted among the organized religious establishment. Through his own ministry track, however, he learned how important interpersonal connection with one another is in discipling others to walk in Jesus’ steps through the indwelling Holy Spirit. 

Sue also attended Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, focusing on studies in New Testament Greek and on effective ways to reach others from different cultures. In a way that only our Father could work out, both of these pursuits would feature heavily in their various ministries over the course of their lives and service together.

After seminary Mike and Sue administrated and taught at a Christian retreat center where they interacted with 5,000+ people over the course of a decade. They were able to come alongside those who were hurting relationally within their families and experiencing frustration in their own faith walk. While at the center, Mike was a counselor to religious leaders throughout southern New England. He was able to use the skills he’d acquired from his graduate studies in interpersonal relationships to encourage these leaders to develop a unified concern among their congregations for the lost in their communities to encounter Jesus. Sue found her heart’s desire to work among people of other cultures by teaching conversational English to international students at a nearby university for six years. Through their time together these students became dear friends, and a number of them heard about Jesus for the first time. Mike and Sue’s combined ministry was recognized by the Associated Press in an article that was published nationally. Mike also was featured in an article in New England Church Life, "Who Pastors the Pastor?"

Following their retreat ministry they lived in Israel, where our Father revealed the Hebraic foundations to them. Restoration Ministries International has its basis in their research and by revelation while living in Israel. Mike and Sue are sharing our Father’s restoration of the Hebraic foundations which communally strengthened the early followers of our Lord Jesus and spiritually empowered them. Their present ministry through the internet is reaching people from 105 countries with a call to a life of loving and obedient trust in Jesus as their Lord. 

Mike holds a B.A. in Economics from the University of Connecticut, an MBA from California Lutheran College, and a Master of Religious Education from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Sue holds a B.S. in Education from the University of Connecticut and has taken several graduate courses at GCTS.

The Purpose of Restoration Ministries

Restoration Ministries is based on revelation and biblical research. Since 1994, through Restoration Ministries International Mike and Sue have been making known our Father's re-establishment of the relational priorities that strengthened the early followers of Christ to boldly reach and disciple others who will love and serve Him as Lord.

1. Awareness 

Proclaiming through written word and media presentation the biblically Hebraic foundations of understanding and practice upon which the early Church was founded.

2. Equipping 

Providing practical resources for our Father’s children to live out His restorative truths and fulfill His purposes by grace through the indwelling Holy Spirit.

Each of the materials produced by Restoration Ministries International is interconnected with a family of information that’s related to what our Father told us to call "The Hebraic Restoration".  Each teaching is designed to stand alone to equip you to apply these foundational truths and principles to your life. Yet the real strength of each is found in its interrelationship to the other facets of the Hebraic Restoration.

Through these truths, our Father is revealing the trust-based, obedient lifestyle of our father Abraham:

“The promise comes by trust, so that it may be by grace and may be guaranteed to all Abraham’s offspring—not only to those who are of the law but also to those who are of the faith of Abraham. He is the father of us all. “If you belong to Christ,  then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise” (Romans 4:16,17; Galatians 3:29).

Followers of our Lord Jesus are children of Abraham, the first Hebrew (hence, “Hebraic” Restoration). Abraham trusted God in love-grounded obedience, willing even to sacrifice his son Isaac at God’s command. Therefore God called Abraham into covenant union with Himself, and through him poured out precious promises for all his children to come. THAT MEANS YOU!

"Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated 

as if you yourselves were suffering" (Hebrews 13:3).

To help Christians in prison for their faith in Jesus around the world, write a letter to them at: Prisoner Alert

Use our instructional video describing how we write letters to our suffering brothers and sisters each week: