Restoration Ministries International

The biblical truths are here to 

help you have a relationship with 

your heavenly Father which you can experience in your life. 

Nothing compares to personally living in Covenant with Him as His child.


Restoration Ministries International


• Restoring the Hebraic Foundations of the Early Church

• Preparing the Family of Jesus to be Light in Darkness

... ...

Restoration Ministries International

The biblical truths are here to 

help you have a relationship with 

your heavenly Father which you can experience in your life. 

Nothing compares to personally living in Covenant with Him as His child.

Your Father & Lord Jesus

The list below will connect you to newsletters, articles and books that deal with the Hebraic understanding of our Biblical responsibilities to and intimate relationship with our Father and His Son, Jesus, through His Spirit. You'll be challenged to consider and evaluate your own walk and fruitfulness in Kingdom living! CLICK on the link below that interests you.


Section 4 - Lesson 24 

The Father And Jesus

Part 1. The Covenant Basis To The True Gospel:

• Introduction: The Gospel Of the Covenant Is The Pilgrimage To Salvation

• Never Assume That Someone (Even You!) Is A Christian!

• Our Father — A Covenant-Giver

• Our Father — A Covenant-Keeper

Section 4 - Lesson 25 

The Father And Jesus

Part 1. The Covenant Basis To The True Gospel:

• Covenants Must Be Both Ratified And Consummated

• Intense Desire Needed To Enter Into Covenant

• A Closer Look At A Covenant Ceremony

• Covenants Are Renewed

• Breaking A Covenant Means Death

• Our Father’s Covenant Ceremony

Section 4 - Lesson 26

The Father And Jesus

Part 2. Discerning The True Gospel From False Ones:

• Signs Of False Gospels

• The True Gospel: Justification + Sanctification = Salvation

• Sanctification—A Lifetime Of Putting Things On God’s Altar

• False Gospels: Justification = Salvation

• The Older Testament: THE Source For The Gospel Of Jesus

• Our Father’s Covenant: A Trust-filled Pilgrimage Of Love

Section 4 - Lesson 27 

The Father And Jesus

Part 3. The True Gospel of the Covenant:

Our Father’s Stipulations For Ratifying And Consummating The Covenant

1. Your Salvation Pilgrimage both Begins and Continues with Your Repentance

2. Your Salvation Pilgrimage both Begins and Continues with Your agape (ahav) Love

3. Your Salvation Pilgrimage both Begins and Continues with Your Obedient Trust

4. Your Salvation Pilgrimage both Begins and Continues with Your Forceful Conviction 

and Steadfast Determination

5. Your Salvation Pilgrimage both Begins and Continues with You Forgiving Others

• Summary Of The Covenant Issues

Section 4 - Lesson 28 

The Father And Jesus

Part 4. The Seal Of Consummation—The Holy Spirit

• Streams Of Living Water—The Indwelling Holy Spirit

• The Spirit Throughout The Bible

• All Generations Of Jesus Followers Need The Holy Spirit

• Empowerment From The Spirit

Section 4 - Lesson 29 

The Father And Jesus

Part 4. The Seal Of Consummation—The Holy Spirit

• Prophecy, Words Of Knowledge, Wisdom: 

Gifts To Support Your Trust And Confront Your Reason

• Suffering, The Spirit’s Agency For Change 

• Grumbling Grieves The Spirit And Impedes Spiritual Growth

• Prayer: Trusting God To Respond

• Remember, Our Father’s Children Are Free!


• 1. To Love And Be Loved

• 2. Will He Find Faith?

• 3. Take the Pedals Off

• 4. Blazing a Trail

• 5. When Fear Is Good

• 6. Feeling Left Out

• 7. When Death Is Good

• 8. Resurrections Into KINGDOM Living

• 9. The Book of Daniel (Chapters 1-3) Personal Responsibility —Deference — God-dependence

• 10. The Book of Daniel (Chapters 4-6) Humility —Glorifying our Father

• 25. So You Fornicated

• 26. Will Jesus Find Faith Within You?

• 27. You Must Be Born Again: Life Begins in the SPIRIT(John 3:8)

• 28. Bearing Fruit For The Father: Life Flows From the SPIRIT(John 3:8)

• 29. You Haven’t Been Here Before

• 31. God’s Warning For Today: Jeremiah’s Call to Repentance

• 32. God’s Warning For Today: “The Many Faces of Idolatry”

• 33. Do You See As God Sees?

• 42. Ministering Spiritual Freedom To Others

• 43. Does Living Water Flow From You?

• 44. The Grace of Our God's Law

• 50. Marriage As A Covenant Lifestyle (Part 4)

• 51. The Older Testament Foundations To The Kingdom Of God

• 52. To Enter The Kingdom You Must Be Born Again

• 53. Born Again — Guided By The Spirit Of Jesus

• 54. Our Lord's Purpose for Kingdom Parables

• 55. Suffering — Developing the King's Character

• 58. Will You Be Among Those Our Lord Chastises? (Part 1)

• 59. Will You Be Among Those Our Lord Chastises? (Part 2)

• 60. Will You Be Among Those Our Lord Chastises? (Part 3)

•66. How Christendom Forsook Spiritual Power (Part 1)

•67. How Christendom Forsook Spiritual Power (Part 2)

•68. What God’s People Must Do To Regain Spiritual Power (Part 1)

•69. What God’s People Must Do To Regain Spiritual Power (Part 2)

• 72. Let Each of Us Take Up Our Cross and Gather the Remnant of This Generation

• 73. Stop Toxic Thoughts — Replace Toxic Memories

• 74. Having the Heart of Jesus—A Kingdom Mindset

• 75. To Serve the King You Must Leave Your Comfort Zone

• 76. Developing Spiritual Headwork

• 77. Hellenism — Why Christ-like Love Eludes Most Men


• 1. As Long As It Is Called TODAY (March 4, 2005)

• 3. He Made Them Male & Female (February 18, 2005)

• 4. Daniel, Shedrach, Meshach, and Abednego (March 23, 2005)

• 6. A Woman Imprisoned (March 30, 2005)

• 7. God's Will For You (May 10, 2005)

• 8 .Addendum: God's Will For You (May 16, 2005)

• 9. Are You a Barbarian? (June 4, 2005)

• 11. Discussion For Application (July 23, 2005)

• 12. Confirming That You Truly Belong (August 2, 2005)

• 13. If Peter Wrote Today (August 8, 2005)

• 16. Certain Of What We Do Not See (October 15, 2005)

• 17. The Pianist & Marriages (November 25, 2005)

• 20. Are You Living Without His Grace? (June 16, 2006)

• 21. The Faithfulness of God and His Word (August 7, 2006)

• 22. How Eager Are You? (August 16, 2006)

• 23. Are You a Maneuverer? (August 22, 2006)

• 25. Out of the Rubble (June 28, 2006)

• 30. Obedience May Mean: “Pack Up And Go!” (July 30, 2007)

• 33. Growing In Christ's Likeness (November 21, 2007)

• 34. When Jesus Says ‘GO’, What Do YOU Do? (December 22, 2007)

• 37. Are You Violating Our Holy God's Law? (May 15, 2008)

• 38. Do You Understand The Severity Of Your Sin? (May 24, 2008)

• 39. Do You Obey The Commandments Of God? (May 29, 2008)

• 49. Jesus Christ, Our Passover Lamb (January 16,2010)

• 50. The Pearl of Great Price (February 2, 2011)

• 51. Expose The Root Cause!

• 53. When A Man's Ways Are Pleasing To The Lord (October 1, 2011)

• 54. Isn't It Time That Jesus BE Your Lord? (November 8, 2011)

• 55. It's Time For The Righteous To Take A Stand - Part 1 (November 25, 2011)

• 56. It's Time For The Righteous To Take A Stand - Part 2 (December 3, 2011)

• 57. Our Father's Children Bear His Burden (December 14, 2011)

• 58. Dare You Ask Yourself? (December 26, 2011)

• 59. Jesus Is Calling You To Lead (January 10, 2012)

• 60. Have You Been To The High Places At Least Once? (February 2, 2012)

• 61. Are You Our Lord's Intervener In The Lives Of Others? (February 18, 2012)

• 62. Has Satan Noticed You? (February 28, 2012)

• 64. Are You A Fully Responsible Man? (March 13, 2012)

• 65. Do You Understand Biblical Consequences? (July 2, 2012)

• 66. Only Your Faith Can Overcome Chaos (February 4, 2013)

• 67. Is Your Cognitive Dissonance Quenching The Holy Spirit? (February 12, 2013)

• 68. Are You Known By Satan? (March 6, 2013)

• 69. Not My Will But Yours Be Done (March 23, 2013)

• 70. A Year Older And Very Saddened (April 12, 2013)

• 72. Does The Deference Of Jesus Abide In You? (July 30, 2013)

• 73. Do You Need A Booster? (August 14, 2013)


• 200310-11 Love The Lord With All Your...

• 200309 You Will Rule

• 200308 Burn Your Bridges Behind You

• 200307 "You Belong To Me"

• 200306 Are You Suffering From the Woes?

• 200305 Grief And Love

• 200303-04 Men In the Gap

• 200302 Where is Your Sting?

• 200302 Story: Where is Your Sting?

• 200301 He Has Showed You

• 200301 Story: Bringing the Children Home

• 200212 Character Of Jesus

• 200211 Consecrated To Jesus

• 2002-08 Covenant-based Communities

• 2002-07 Raising Sheep for Heaven

• 2002-06 Battle For The Mind (Part 1) 

• 2002-06 Battle For The Mind (Part 2)

• 2002-06 Battle For The Mind (Part 3)

• 2002-05 Living Determined

• 2001-12 The Challenge Is To Love

• 2001-11 Followers Of Jesus

• 2001-09/10 Making Level Paths

• 2001-07 Wholeheartedness Toward God

• 2001-04 The Preeminence Of Jesus

• 2001-03 Family Of Melchizedek 

• 2000-11 Grapes For God's Glory

• 2000-09 Power To Forgive

• 2000-05 Taking The High Places

• 2000-02 Obedient Trust

• 2000-01 Hebraic Fruit

• 99-10/11 Living Redemptively

• 99-08/09 Impudence

• 99-05 The Right Question

• 99-03 Trust-Grounded Obedience

• 99-01 Five Wise Virgins

• 98-12 Passing Along Wisdom

• 98-10 The Almost Christian

• 98-07 Repentance (Part 2)

• 98-06 Repentance (Part 1)

• 98-05 Trust But Verify

• 98-04 Answered Prayer

• 98-02 Relational Priorities

• 97-12 Apprehension

• 97-11 Judgment Throne

• 97-09 Church At War

• 97-06 Becoming Streams Of Water

• 97-03 Salvation = Actions

• 96-03 Righteousness & Prayer

• 95-09 God-given Seven Needs

• 95-06 Born Again


• Mutually Growing Christ-like Relationships: A How-to Guide For Removing Hindrances

• The Gospel of the Covenant Is The Pilgrimage To Salvation

• Going To The High Places Study Guide

• The Unsteepled Church—Self-Sustaining Faith Communities

• IMPUDENCE—Reflection of the Anti-Christ Spirit in Today's Church


• Demolishing Strongholds

• Prodigal Church

• Restoring The Early Church:  See: Ch. 8, page112: Your Relationship With Jesus