Restoration Ministries International

Sharing the Hebraic Foundations of the Earliest Followers of Jesus

Preparing Today's Followers of Jesus to Do Their Part in His Kingdom

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This website offers extensive resources for training and equipping the genuinely born again whose deepest desire is to fulfill our heavenly Father’s purposes by His grace (Ephesians 2:10) and bring Him glory under the loving rule of our Lord Jesus (Colossians 1:18). The biblical truths we present are foundational, having equipped our Lord’s first followers to live spiritually powerful and relationally intimate. Making these biblical truths your way of life requires mutual discussion and confirmation by the Holy Spirit so you can walk communally in the way of our Lord Jesus. The way of our Lord is a pattern of life that’s based on loving God and loving one another by putting His commands into action. Your obedient trust shows the world and those who follow Jesus as Lord that the Holy Spirit abides in you as an ambassador of Christ.

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“THE HEBRAIC RESTORATION” The Relational Centeredness Of Earliest Christianity

Our Lord’s first followers were trained and equipped to be His ambassadors

The first Hebrew who was recorded in the Bible is the Patriarch Abraham, who obediently trusted God no matter what the cost. Abraham is declared to be the father of all the genuinely born again (Romans 4:16; Galatians 3:7-9). It’s because of the significance of Abraham in our heavenly Father’s view that we’ve been directed to call our ministry work “The Hebraic Restoration.” The truths which our Father is restoring to those who trust and obey Jesus as their Lord are the biblically-based Hebraic Foundations

Here’s a vital connection for you as you follow Jesus by the indwelling Holy Spirit: Abraham was called out of Ur of the Chaldees to live in obedient trust and fulfill God’s will for him and for his household. In a similar pattern the genuinely born again are called out of the world system to live in love-grounded obedient trust in Jesus as Lord of their lives as they do our Father’s will. The Greek word ekklesia, often translated “church”, literally means “called-out ones.” The genuinely born again are called out of the world’s sin and unholiness into a New Covenant of grace with purpose: abiding in Jesus as Lord and discipling others to trust and love and obey Him (Matthew 28:18-20). Our Father seals the genuinely born again with the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:13,14), fulfilling our Lord’s promise (John 7:38,39). And it’s through the Holy Spirit that you’re given divine guidance and spiritual empowerment

Our heavenly Father assigned Restoration Ministries International a specific responsibility: to share the biblical Hebraic Foundations so that the genuinely born again would represent their Lord Jesus as His ambassadors in an unbelieving world (2Corinthians 5:20). For a short summary of the historical backdrop, please read: Fast Tracking The Hebraic Foundations. Or, watch our short introductory video (at right)  which clarifies the Hebraic Foundations.

Why Is The Hebraic Restoration So Necessary?

Centuries of anti-Semitic theology within both Roman Catholicism and Protestantism have resulted in over 40,000 competing and divisive denominations and sects throughout Christendom. Too many Christians have been misguided by  anti-Semitic theologians to erroneously make creedal positions and religious rituals far more important than a preeminent relationship with our heavenly Father and Lord Jesus. The abiding spiritual intimacy that's promised by our Lord in the New Covenant (John 15:1-10) is incompatible with the dogmatic theological proclamations of top-down institutional Roman Catholicism and Protestantism. Through the biblical Hebraic Foundations, the indwelling Holy Spirit offers you a divine, two-way interactive relationship — a relationship which you experience in your life. This interaction of spiritual intimacy is no less than our Lord’s first followers experienced as they walked in union with His Spirit.

The Core Relational Priorities Of The Hebraic Foundations

A key difference between the biblical Hebraic Foundations and theologically divided religious systems is the relational priorities. These priorities center around the preeminence of our heavenly Father and the loving Lordship of Jesus in ruling His trusting and obedient called-out ones. When our Father has preeminence in your life because you love Him, He reveals Himself to you in showing His mercy, grace and steadfast love “to those who love Him and keep His commandments” (Exodus 20:6; see also John 14:15). The Hebrew letters in the word for this depth of love mean "a window into Father's heart.” Out of the preeminence of our Father and Lord Jesus in your life through the indwelling Holy Spirit, all your other relationships are affected: starting in your home and then your fellowship of homes — faith communities of extended spiritual family comprising homes of righteousness. 

‍ Click on Father & Jesus, or Your Home, or Fellowship of Homes for specific materials concerning each priority.

For a more amplified understanding of our Father’s relational priorities for those in union with Jesus:    <click here>